Bagaimana coaching memberikan dampak bagi mereka?

Coaching helps individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness fosters personal growth, leading to better decision-making and a more fulfilling life.

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Apa kata coachee ?

Besse Nirmala - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

Saya sangat terbantu sekali melalui sesi coaching ini apalagi didampingi oleh Ibu Novi. Saya dapat mengungkapkan segala permasalahan saya dan coach menggiring saya untuk menemukan sendiri solusi berdasarkan potensi yang saya miliki. Semoga kedepan saya lebih banyak belajar lagi dengan coach saya Ibu Novi dan dapat mengimbaskan ke rekan yang lain.

Maryati Hulalata - Coaching Indonesia
2 years ago

Wah senang sekali, di sesi 2 ini Coach Alex membantu saya menggali lebih dalam mengenai aspek kestabilan emosi dan kedewasaan yang saya tidak sadari sebelumnya. Mengawali coaching dengan keraguan tentang beberapa keputusan, dan berakhir dengan keyakinan untuk terus melangkah. Thanks Coach!

Yasiry Velasquez
Yasiry Velasquez
3 years ago

Josh was an exceptional coach, in every session I felt comfortable and safe. Josh allowed me to share my fears and weaknesses. We spoke about what makes me a great leader and he gave me guidance on what steps I had to take to become the person I desired to be. After the sessions with Josh I feel more confident, prepared and self aware. I have worked every week to become what I am now. I enjoyed every minute of our sessions and I am very grateful for his kindness, professionalism and motivation.

Nadia Rahmi
2 years ago

It was really helpful to be able to discuss my thoughts as it helped me to steer away from my fears and worries, and it helped reinforce my confidence in what I am doing.

Nabila Diva Zahrani
3 years ago

Dari sesi coaching kali ini saya mendapatkan banyak sekali feedback positif, dengan bimbingan dari coach yang luar biasa. Saya jadi bisa memahami diri saya lebih baik dan fokus terhadap goals saya kedepannya serta menghindari distraksi yang ada dimana distraksi tersebut dapat memperlambat proses saya,dari sesi coaching ini saya dapat mengubah cara pandang saya bahwa setiap tantangan yang saya hadapi dalam menuju goals saya itu merupakan bagian dari proses dan saya hanya perlu menikmati proses tersebut tanpa perlu berpikir berlebihan akan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang belum terjadi, dari sesi coaching ini saya bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih dewasa dalam bersikap dan selalu optimis dengan masa depan saya,terimakasih banyak atas bimbingannya coach😁

Farda Dzakiyah
3 years ago

Terima kasih Cataliz, khususnya coach Meldi. Setelah mengikuti coaching di Cataliz, semangat untuk branding PK semakin membara, dan semangat dan niat untuk mewujudkan yayasan untuk PK semakin yakin. Bismillah

Abdul munir
Abdul munir
3 years ago

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Marisamy K - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

This coaching program has helped me to refresh and revalidate my thoughts & assumptions towards handling team and my relationship with other stakeholders. I could reframe my approach to build better relationship with people and enhance my listening skill. My sincere thanks to Pak Danny who made the program very simple , but very effective . I have really enjoyed every session and the conversations with him enriched my knowledge on relation building and leading the team .

Nurdin - Coaching Indonesia
2 years ago

Melalui coaching sy mendapat pengalaman dan lebih mendalami bgmn mengekplorasi potensi, mengkaji dan mengidentifikasi masalah dan mengaitkan dgn komponen pendukung lainnya, dibutuhkan kolaborasi dan komitmen yg kuat

Nurdin - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

Melalui coaching sy mendapat pengalaman dan lebih mendalami bgmn mengekplorasi potensi, mengkaji dan mengidentifikasi masalah dan mengaitkan dgn komponen pendukung lainnya, dibutuhkan kolaborasi dan komitmen yg kuat

Christa Karim
Christa Karim
3 years ago

I would give Josh 10 Stars if I could, but sadly they only allowed 5. Josh has really helped me look into myself by asking me the hard questions. This made me dig deep within myself and really helped me name the areas in my life in where I have to grow. I think everyone needs to do coaching at least once in their life because it really can change your life!!!

Jeremiah Lodewyk
Jeremiah Lodewyk
3 years ago

The sessions with Josh was great, the questions he asked made me think a lot about myself and helped me grow and be more aware of the “why” and “what now”. This really helped me realize and strengthen my goals, vision and values in life

Meshy Darmayanti, S. Si - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

Secara keseluruhan sesi ini membuat saya lebih bersemangat lagi dlm KBM, Terima kasih utk coaching yg sdh dilakukan, karena sudah PTM juga saya juga menerapkan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan bagi siswa, saya menemukan sesuatu yg membuat siswa lebih senang lagi dalam belajar IPA, Terima kasih coach🙏😃

Fitra Faturachman
Fitra Faturachman
2 years ago

Alhamdulillah 😄 Terimakasih banyak Bu Nani atas 2 sesi coaching yg LUAR BIASA MENCERAHKAN, MENDAMAIKAN & MENENANGKAN HATI, PIKIRAN & PERASAAN Sy Smg Allaah membalas kebaikan ibu dg kebaikan² lahir-batin di dunia-akhirat yg lebih besar & lebih banyak bagi Ibu & keluarga ... Aaamiiin

Theresa Fabrienne
Theresa Fabrienne
3 years ago

Josh has been a tremendous help for me personally and I think he would be a great resource for everyone out there who needs a little push and some support in their lives. I discovered josh at a point in my life where I was confused, lost I supposed you would really call it. Lost and unclear about what kind of person I truly want to be, I felt I had no control over both myself, and my life, and was drowned out by the inability to create healthy boundaries as an empath. I lost my sense of self in my last 2 relationships, and was in my journey of self-rediscovery. I have worked with a few other therapists and coaches before, and was put off by how much they talked and how little they listened. Josh is different. He has an uncanny ability to listen to what you are saying and respond back with exactly what you need to hear, He is able to tap into your inner thoughts and formulate the root cause and suggest ways to work through difficulties. I greatly appreciate his grounded, clear, approach to understanding my messy mind, for being fully invested, 100% committed, and completely present at each session. I was given all the space I needed to think out loud (which is how I work through problems and dilemmas) or when I was trying to find the words that works, and offered just the right amount of inquiry, support and encouragement to keep me chugging along. His approach was very perceptive, gentle, and affirming, allows my strengths to be realized, my journey to be appreciated, and a greater sense of purpose to be obtained. It’s like he has a versatile toolbox that can help anyone gain clarity, make great change, and create next steps while having a supportive ear by your side. Every session was therapeutic, heart wrenching, thought provoking, and eye opening. He helps me see for myself where my resistance and fears reside, all the while being patient, compassionate and real. The problems on the surface require getting closer to the roots and that is what Josh is able to do because we have blind spots and he helps us to uncover self-limiting beliefs and behavior. All this deeper work helped me to shed the ‘weight’ of uncomfortable feelings meaning to not resist them and to work with them when they come up. He helped me to clear the emotional blocks, to not let them have such a hold on me so as to recognize they are there but I am free to make choices. It’s safe to say that I've made more progress with Josh in the last 2 months than I made in 2 years of therapy. I've grown spiritually and mentally from our sessions. Words and expressions on this review do not serve justice to what I learned and experienced as he has impacted my life in ways I did not expect. Josh provided knowledge and skills his website did not describe; ultimately the sessions were above and beyond my expectations. Josh will be a part of my life as I continue to grow as a person. I can't tell you how amazing this process has been for me. I've come so far since we first started working together—I barely recognize the woman I was, I have experienced what I can only describe as exponential internal growth and I owe a great deal of that to you. I am blessed our paths have crossed. Thank you so much Josh, you helped me find myself, the even better version—that I totally am in love with. You are worth your weight in gold.