Alexandria Tjai

Executive and Life Coach


Jakarta Barat

723 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

With more than 20 years of experience in teaching and education business management, Alex has become a skilled leader, educator, and team builder. She started as an English teacher in 1997 but later took on managerial roles in reputable private institutions until 2019. During a Delta course (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages – A Cambridge Assessment postgraduate diploma) in 2018, she discovered her true calling - to empower people to achieve their dreams. In early 2019, she courageously left her stable job to become a life coach, and she has not looked back since.

Your Partner in Empowerment:

As your coach, Alex is committed to helping you become more aware of what you need to reach your personal and professional goals. She has worked with national and international clients ranging from parents, educators, students, HR specialists, business owners, bankers, marketing specialists, professionals, and corporate executives from both private and government organizations. 

Embrace Your Unique Power:

Alex believes that everyone has the ability to create a fulfilling life by leveraging their strengths and working on their weaknesses. With her guidance, you will uncover your potential and design a life or path that truly suits you. Begin your transformation now as the possibilities are limitless! 

Coaching Niche:

1. Personal Growth: Higher education planning, decision making, navigating transition, fulfilment, purpose, potential, passion, mindset, personal branding, confidence, work-life balance, well-being, overcoming personal and professional challenges, etc.

2. Leadership Development: Emerging leaders, team building, communication, change management, project management, time management, coaching, team empowerment, interpersonal skills, etc.

3. Career Advancement: Climbing the corporate ladder, career transitioning, performance enhancement, retirement, etc.

4. Business Growth: Small and medium-sized enterprises, sales and promotion strategies, exploring new business ideas, etc.

Empower your future with Alex - your partner in growth! 

Work Experiences

*Executive & Life Coach
*Corporate Trainer/ ESL Teacher (British Council)
*General Manager (Vista Education Corp.)
*School Business Manager (The British Institute)

Other Professions

Teacher, fasilitator, mentor


1. A degree in Education, TEFL
2. Cambridge Assessment English Certifications:
     * CELTA
     * Delta (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages –A Cambridge Assessment postgraduate diploma) (Module 2; Module 3: ELT Management research in marketing -  “The Impact of Customer Engagement on Student Retention and  Acquisition”)

Certifications and Credentials

* Associate Certified Coach (International Coaching Federation – ICF) 
* BNSP Certified Coach (2022)
* Points of You Level 2 – Practitioner (2023)
* Points of You Level 1 – Explorer (2023)
* Certified Professional Coach (Coaching Indonesia – 30 hours ACSTH)
* Certified Executive Coach (Coaching Indonesia – 35 hours ACSTH)
* Certified Business Coach (Coaching Indonesia – 30 hours ACSTH)
* Certified Transformational Coach (70 hours - L2 to PCC)

Other Certifications

Points of You L1 & L2; CELTA; Delta; MHFA (Mental Health First Aider)


Bahasa Indonesia,English

Layanan Coaching dari Alexandria Tjai

Be a Successful Manager
Be a Successful Manager

Kembangkan diri Anda menjadi Manajer yang efektif melalui 4 kali pertemuan coaching bersama Leadership Coach pilihan Anda....

Living Your Dream Career
Living Your Dream Career

Temukan kejelasan arah karier yang sesuai dengan purpose Anda. Buat strategi untuk pencapaian visi karier yang dilengkapi rencana dan strategi....

Apa kata coachee tentang Alexandria Tjai ?

Yudith Oskar Baskara
Yudith Oskar Baskara - Pelindo
1 week ago

Sangat bermanfaat sekali menambah motivasi sehingga peserta mampu menĝetahui bagaimana melakukan dan cara mengembangkan potensi diri untuk meningkatkan karier dan dalam pengembangan usaha atau berkomunikasi dengan relasi

Wahyu Munajat - Mayapada Healthcare
4 weeks ago

Dari 3 sesi coaching yang sudah saya jalani, saya merasakan perubahan atau progress yang sangat signifikan, khususnya terkait dampak dari mindfulness yang saya terapkan. Ya, Mindfulness membawa banyak dampak positif yang signifikan bagi kehidupan dan pekerjaan saya. Mindfulness membuat saya sepenuhnya sadar dan memperhatikan (being fully present), bahkan sampai ke hal-hal terkecil yang sebelumnya tidak pernah saya perhatikan, seperti saat bernapas. Mindfulness membuat saya bisa lebih dekat dan fokus melihat segala hal dari diri saya saat ini; baik terhadap pikiran, perasaan, dan lainnya. Mindful living juga membuat saya menjadi semakin bersyukur dan tenang. Terima kasih banyak Bu Alex atas saran, masukan, informasi, dan inspirasi. It means a lot. Really appreciate it. Sehat selalu, Bu. Salam Mindfulness, Wahyu Munajat

Imelda Weanna
4 weeks ago

I feel that Coach Alex understands me, particularly since I find it hard to express my emotions, yet I am overwhelmed by them. She has helped me realize that to succeed in my career, we first need to become the best versions of ourselves. Choosing this life and career coach has been the best decision I've ever made.

Linda Bong
4 weeks ago

Super effective coaching session! Love it :)

Sam Dwi Zulkarnaen
Sam Dwi Zulkarnaen - Elnusa
4 weeks ago

Coach Alex dapat mengeluarkan kemampuan leadership saya lebih baik.

Safri Yeni - Coaching Indonesia
4 weeks ago

Sebelumnya, dari yeni pribadi mengucapkan terima kasih banyak atas semua kesempatan dari kegiatan ini terutama buat coach yang telah membimbing yeni untuk kembali mengenal diri yeni dan kembali menata semua plan2 yang sebelum nya sudah pesimis banget untuk yeni lakukan .. Makasih banyak coach untuk semua pembelajaran dan bimbingannya .. Mohon maaf jika selama mengikuti masih banyak kekurangan , sekali lagi yeni ucapkan terima kasih banyak coach ....

Sam Dwi Zulkarnaen
Sam Dwi Zulkarnaen - Elnusa
4 weeks ago

Akhirnya saya bisa meningkatkan kepercayaan diri yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya sehingga bisa mengambil peran lebih dalam perusahaan. Peran coach Alex sangat berarti dalam meningkatkan leadership saya. Thank you atas semuanya Coach, you're the best.

Feby Christian Parrangan Datu Lembang - Pelindo
4 weeks ago

Ada insight naru dan membuka mindset yg tidak disadari utk mendevelop anggota

Bagikan profile Alexandria Tjai
Location Jakarta Barat Member since 21 Maret 2020 Status Available Gender Female