Leadership and Personal Growth Coach

Aquira Moeladi

Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching

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4.9 of 5

Aquira - Empowering Transformation and Impactful Leadership

Aquira is a Certified Professional Coach from Coaching Indonesia with over 25 years of experience as a Human Resources professional in multinational companies with SEA and APAC region roles & responsibilities. She specializes in executive, performance, and leadership coaching, and is dedicated to helping individuals reach their full potential and purpose in life. In addition to her corporate background, Aquira is an active social work volunteer, coaching couples on relationship and pre-marriage preparation, and mentoring leaders of leaders to empower their teams.

Her coaching philosophy centers around the belief that every person is unique and possesses the potential for transformation, becoming a positive influence in the lives of others. Aquira emphasizes mindfulness and the balance of body, mind, and soul, recognizing the profound impact of healthy marriages across generations.

Aquira's academic background, which includes a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in Organizational and Industrial Psychology from the esteemed University of Indonesia, complements her coaching practice and ensures a well-rounded understanding of human behavior and development.

The impact of Aquira's coaching is evident through a multitude of success stories and testimonials. She has nurtured and developed young talents into future leaders, facilitated life-changing transformations in individuals and leaders alike, and played a pivotal role in fostering stronger foundations for couples entering marriage life. 

Aquira's areas of expertise span across Human Resources, leadership development, career coaching, talent management, and organizational development. She has received recognition with HR Excellence Awards for her contributions in various domains.

In summary, Aquira is an active listener, agile, and passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of others. Her accessible and approachable coaching style creates a conducive environment for growth and personal development. Whether seeking professional advancement or personal growth, Aquira is the ideal coach to empower individuals to become the best version of themselves and achieve their life's purpose.

- Bachelor in Psychology from University of Indonesia
- Master in Organizational and Industry Psychology from University of Indonesia,
- Psychologist.

Human Resource professional with more than 25 years experiences in multinational companies from consultancy, insurance, pharmaceutical, chemicals and life science industries in commercial organization, manufacturing and non-profit organization. Has experiences as Regional HR Leader and HR Business Partners for APAC and South East Asia countries beside Indonesia (South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia & New Zealand).

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