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What sets Agus apart is his honest questioning, challenging false beliefs and fostering paradigm shifts towards appealing destinations. He appreciates and accepts his clients' conditions, including unrealistic thoughts and feelings. Upholding moral standards and business ethics, Agus believes professionalism, hard work, and whole-hearted assistance are paramount.
Agus's transformative coaching success stories include clients who carved out new income streams, gained confidence to step into tough challenges, and rebuilt their lives after failure. To achieve growth and success, Agus emphasizes a growth mindset, clear goal setting, personal commitment, patience for incremental progression, and adaptive coaching methods. The measure of success is when clients surpass their expectations, revealing their true potentials through gradual growth.
Work Experiences
1. BNSP Assessor in Human Resources – LSP MPSDM, Yogyakarta; conduct competency assessments for BNSP certifications for HR managers and supervisors
2. Co-founder & HR Consultant – PT Inspiro Mitra Prestasi, Yogyakarta; provided HR consultancy, customised leadership/ soft-skills training, and career/ business coaching
3. Consultant of the Paragon University – PT Paragon Technology & Innovation (Wardah), Jakarta; Coached and mentored the Paragon University manager in developing the leadership program and assisted the HR VP in setting up the corporate OKR for a leading cosmetics company in Indonesia
4. Superintendent Leadership Development – PT FREEPORT INDONESIA, Tembagapura, Papua; co-founded the Leadership Academy, managed the program development and delivery to the first-line & mid-management levels for the largest copper mine company in Indonesia.
5. Specialist Professional Development – PT KALTIM PRIMA COAL, Sangatta, East Kalimantan; managing the competency development of management trainees (five major jobs) for the largest coal mine company in Indonesia.
Other Professions
Business Owner,Instructor,Assessor Competency
· MA., Teaching English for Specific Purposes, University of Warwick, UK
· Diploma, Language Centre Management, University of Sydney, Australia
· BEd. (S1), English Language Teaching, IKIP Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta
Certifications and Credentials
· Certificate, Neuro-Linguistic Programme (NLP) Practitioner,IndoNLP, 2016
· Certificate, Professional Coaching Programme (ICF), Coaching Indonesia, 2015
· Certificate, Crucial Conversations - VitalSmarts, Freeport McMorran
· Certificate, Inside Out Coaching – Alan Fine, Freeport McMorran
Other Certifications
· Certificate, Training & Development Supervisor, BNSP, March 2021
· Certificate, Competency Assesor (RCC), BNSP, February 2023
· Certificate, Human Capital Manager, BNSP, December 2019
· Certificate, Pelatih/ Mentor Pemagangan di Tempat Kerja, BLK Surakarta, July 2019
· Certificate, The Situational Leadership, the Ken Blanchard Company
· Certificate, Facilitation Skills, DDI-Indonesia
· Certificate, Advanced Presentation Skills, Dunamis
· Certificate, Riding the Waves of Culture (Trainier), Fons Trompenaars, Achieve-Global
· Certificate, accredited trainer for the Team Management Systems workshops (Margerison–McCann), TMS Australia
· Jogja English Training Centre, Human Resource & Academic Advisor, Yogyakarta; Coach and mentor the director, HC manager, and Academic manager.
· University of Pembangunan Jaya (a subsidiary of Jaya group), consultant in organization values implementation, Jakarta; provided advice to the University Rector in nurturing the company values in the campus life
· PT Cipta Kridatama (a subsidiary of Astra group), delivered the Leadership program for Coal Mine Operations Supervisors, Balikpapan; facilitated customized activity-based leadership development workshop sessions for 18 batches
Bahasa Indonesia,English
Layanan Coaching dari Agus Winarno

Be a Successful Manager
Kembangkan diri Anda menjadi Manajer yang efektif melalui 4 kali pertemuan coaching bersama Leadership Coach pilihan Anda....

Living Your Dream Career
Temukan kejelasan arah karier yang sesuai dengan purpose Anda. Buat strategi untuk pencapaian visi karier yang dilengkapi rencana dan strategi....
Apa kata coachee tentang Agus Winarno ?
Umbu Patris - LPDP
selama sesi coaching membantu saya mendapatkan cara pandang baru dalam memahami prospek karir di masa depan