Erica, M.Psi.,Psi.,CPC

Career Coach and Self Growth Coach



152.75 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

As a certified professional coach (CPC) and an HR expert, Erica firmly believes in the potential for continuous growth that lies within every individual. Her journey in psychology and HR has equipped her with a deep understanding of human behavior, and she is committed to empowering others to achieve their aspirations.

Her coaching approach centers on adaptability, active listening, and fostering a supportive environment. She is a fast learner, always eager to expand her knowledge to better serve her clients. It brings she great joy to witness the personal and professional transformation of the individuals she work with.

Erica is a highly skilled professional coach with a focus on career development and personal growth. Through her coaching expertise, she has guided individuals to discover their potential, set meaningful goals, and navigate their career paths successfully.

Erica actively participates in the Coaching for Youth and LPDP program, where she passionately mentors and empowers young individuals to make informed decisions and unlock their full potential.

With a decade of experience in Human Resources, Erica has served as an Associate Consultant, specializing in the assessment process. She has been actively involved in providing feedback on assessment results for individuals at various levels, from fresh graduates to top talents. Her expertise in the assessment process enables her to offer valuable insights and development opportunities to her clients.

Erica's versatility extends to the role of a trainer, where she imparts knowledge on soft skills, particularly focusing on Competency-Based Interviews and Leadership. Her training sessions equip professionals with the essential skills to excel in their careers and leadership roles.


a. Bachelor of Psychology (S1 Psikologi), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta (2010).
b. Master's in Professional Psychology (Magister Profesi Psikologi), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta (2014): Erica graduated as the top performer in her Master's program, demonstrating her dedication to academic excellence and professional growth.

Certifications and Credentials

a. Certification Professional Coach by Coaching Indonesia
b. Assessment Centre by SHL Indonesia
c. Personality and Ability Assessment by SHL Indonesia
d.Training for Trainers by Dale Canergie
e. Build Modul Training by Dale Canergie

Layanan Coaching dari Erica, M.Psi.,Psi.,CPC

Living Your Dream Career
Living Your Dream Career

Temukan kejelasan arah karier yang sesuai dengan purpose Anda. Buat strategi untuk pencapaian visi karier yang dilengkapi rencana dan strategi....

Total Sesi: 4 Delivery: Online Duration: 60 min/sesi

Deeper Love
Deeper Love

4 kali sesi coaching bersama Love Coach bagi Anda yang ingin meningkatkan kualitas hubungan dengan pasangan baik itu kekasih, suami, atau istri Anda saat ini....

Total Sesi: 4 Delivery: Online Duration: 60 min/sesi

Apa kata coachee tentang Erica, M.Psi.,Psi.,CPC ?

Uswatun Khasanah - LPDP
1 year ago

Coaching memberikan saya pemahaman terhadap strategi yang harus saya ambil untuk karir ke depan.

Uswatun Khasanah - LPDP
1 year ago

Sesi coaching hari ini melatih saya untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif

Shinta Rahmasari - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

Coach ramah, baik dan sabar sehingga saya bisa beradaptasi dengan baik dan menyampaikan ide-ide saya tanpa tekanan.

Indah Nugraheni - Coaching Indonesia
1 year ago

sangat insughtfull

Shella Vidya
2 years ago

Menggali langkah-langkah yang mungkin dapat dilakukan untuk persiapan membuat konsultan pribadi. Dan diberikan target penyelesaian tugas sehingga lebih terdorong untuk menyelesaikannya.

Tenny Oktarina
2 years ago

Coach Erica sabar dalam mendengarkan dan menuntun saya untuk menemukan prioritas dan langkah2 solusi yang bisa diambil. Thanks Coach!

Herningtyas Nurwulansari
Herningtyas Nurwulansari
2 years ago

Nyaman untuk berbincang dengan coach Erica. Pemikirannya terstruktur sehingga sesi coaching juga menuju ke suatu insight dan komitmen yang realistis untuk dilaksanakan. Terima kasih, Coach Erica. Sukses selalu.