Erwin Fadillah

Certified Professional Coach


Kota Harapan Indah Bekasi

91 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

Erwin Fadillah, also known as Erwin, is a dedicated and passionate coach specializing in enhancing the development skills of millennials in the workforce and academia. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Human Resources Management, Erwin possesses a solid understanding of human behavior, effective communication, and meaningful engagement, which he skillfully applies in his coaching sessions.

Focused on millennials, Erwin's coaching approach has proven highly effective in fostering growth and development among his clients. By driving synergy and collaboration, he empowers individuals to become their authentic selves, both personally and professionally, leading to increased engagement and reduced conflicts in workplace and academic settings.

Erwin's coaching philosophy centers on being a supportive guide in a collaborative journey. He helps clients discover their unique strengths, goals, and aspirations, emphasizing self-awareness, empathy, and open-mindedness. By harnessing their potential, Erwin makes a positive difference in the lives of millennials, using principles of empathy, active listening, adaptability, and ongoing self-improvement at the core of his coaching practice.

Beyond coaching, Erwin's interests in music and arts enrich his sessions with elements of self-expression, creativity, and innovative thinking. As a band singer, he incorporates his passion for music into his coaching, creating a safe and inspiring space for clients to explore and grow.

In summary, Erwin Fadillah is an energetic and empathetic coach dedicated to the development of millennials in the workforce. His focus on collaboration and personal growth has proven transformative for his clients, while his passion for music and arts adds a unique and creative dimension to his coaching approach, making him a sought-after coach among millennials.

For those interested in Erwin's coaching services, his contact information and website are readily available, reflecting his approachability and willingness to connect with potential clients.

Other Professions



Master Degree of Human Resources Management

Certifications and Credentials

Other Certifications

CHRPE, CBEI, AAAK (Asuransi Kesehatan), Certified HR Manager (BNSP), AGC (Accelerated Growth Coach), 



Bahasa Indonesia,English

Layanan Coaching dari Erwin Fadillah

Starting a New Business for Millennials
Starting a New Business for Millennials

Sukses memulai bisnis bagi kamu sebagai millennial yang punya jiwa entrepreneurship....

Living Your Dream Career
Living Your Dream Career

Temukan kejelasan arah karier yang sesuai dengan purpose Anda. Buat strategi untuk pencapaian visi karier yang dilengkapi rencana dan strategi....

Apa kata coachee tentang Erwin Fadillah ?

Nur Fatin Prihyatwari
5 days ago

Sesi coaching berjalan santai, dan coach Erwin sangat membantu saya menemukan what a need

Aditya Ramadhan
3 weeks ago

"Saya sangat puas dengan sesi coaching kali ini. Pembahasan yang diberikan sangat relevan dan membantu membuka perspektif baru. Coach mampu memberikan arahan yang jelas dan praktis, sehingga saya merasa lebih siap menghadapi tantangan ke depan. Terima kasih atas bimbingannya

Nabila Fajria
3 weeks ago

Feedback Sesi 1 coachee 1. Saya merasa nyaman dengan cara Pak Erwin mendengarkan dan memberi ruang untuk saya berbicara. Rasanya seperti benar-benar didengar tanpa merasa dihakimi. 2. gaya komunikasi yang santai namun tetap terarah, jelas dan responsif membantu saya lebih mudah menyampaikan pikiran saya yang bercabang. 3. mungkin untuk saran, saya berharap bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak masukan atau perspektif lain yang bisa membuka cara pandangan saya terhadap sesuatu.

Fajriyatul Muniroh
Fajriyatul Muniroh
3 weeks ago

Really enjoy, comfortable, and friendly

Meta Amelia Fitri
3 weeks ago

Terima Kasih sebelumnya untuk Pak Erwin🙏 Sesi ch

Sabita Asharida
3 weeks ago

Sesi coaching pertama yang sangat menyenangkan tadi, cara Pak Erwin memandu diskusi terasa santai, tetapi tetap terarah sehingga saya merasa nyaman untuk berbagi pandangan dan pengalaman. Jadi tidak sabar untuk menantikan sesi berikutnya☺️🙌

putri lusianawati
3 weeks ago

Sesi cochee sangat seru, sangat bermanfaat dan bikin kita tau karir apa yang mau kita raih dan skill apa yang bisa jadi prioritas kita duluin terus juga cara coach erwin menyampaikan sangat baik dan sangat jelas sangking serunya 1 jam gk kerasa hehehe

Muhammad Neo Khalifah - Coaching Indonesia
3 weeks ago

Sangat membantu saya sebagai coachee untuk memetakan arah career saya kedepan, sukses selalu buat coach mr.Erwin 🙏🏼

Bagikan profile Erwin Fadillah
Location Kota Harapan Indah Bekasi Member since 2 Oktober 2020 Status Available Gender Male