Structure - Limitation or Limitless?

Structure - Limitation or Limitless?

How structure can actually help you grow more and always be the best version of you? 

"If we live our whole life in a box, that box becomes our life" -Chinese Proverb-

Many people misunderstand structure as a limitation, I've heard many people say 'Structure will only limit my flexibility, spontaneity, and creativity'. Indeed the definition of a structure is; a construction or organization of something, this is a very limited way of understanding structure. The structure is the very fiber of who we are, it's in our DNA (The structure of a DNA molecule is essential to its function). Structures can be made to be flexible, structures can evolve and creates a strong foundation!

One of the biggest mistakes ordinary people make is not having a structure, a framework that breaks down:
1. How you spend your time, are you leaving time for self-care? Remember that you can't help anyone before you help yourself!
2. When to do deep work! A study was done where our brain is in focus mode at a certain time of day, this can be before you sleep or after you wake up. This is where we can really maximize our productivity.
3. Time to prepare for work and always be in deep presence mode.
4. Setup boundaries, what are things you are willing to tolerate, and not. It's important to have a bottom line that is part of your values, for example, if you value 'respect' then you might want your clients to be on time or no more than 5 mins late or that they make payments on time. 

Baca juga Positive Thinking Tidak Lagi Cukup

5. Allow yourself time to learn and write to increase your creativity and productivity.
6. Decide what your goals are and how you structure what you do to make sure you reach them.
7. Restructure your structure if the structure is not working, stay open-minded, and remember our own DNA structure continues to evolve and so should our life structure.

Structure creates disciple and instill good habits, make sure your habits are allowing you to grow, make it a habit to have new experiences, face fears, keep learning and self-care. 

So what's the best way to create structure? 

Ask yourself these questions:
1. Where do you want to be in the next 3 years? Why 3 years? Goals should be within a realistic yet challenging goal 1 year is too short 5 years is too long, you could go 2 or 4 you decide after you have written down your goals in these areas:
2. Health and fitness, Intellectual, Emotional, Character, Spiritual, Love Relationship, Parenting, Social life, Financial Life, Career, Quality Life, Life Vision.

Do you see any relation or repetition in your goals?

I found that most of my goals covered 6 areas. 
Now you have a list reframe your goals to focus on the experience, not the achievement. For example; Financial Life - have more than Rp,- in savings, what experiences will you need to reach that goal? Start your own business, learn how to invest, learn marketing, etc?  Life is all about the experience, so let it be the frame of your structure, make sure you are always engaged in new experiences that allow you to grow. 

Now put a deadline for when you will have these experiences, add your timeframe to your structure, and break down your timeframe from years, to months, to weeks, to days. Don't forget your self-care time this can easily be overlooked but it's so important you are planning holiday weeks, the off days, meditation or concentration time, time to refresh, and regenerate is very important. You need to be the center of your structure, not anyone else. Remember your boundaries!

Additionally, you should have a support structure, who can you go to for support? are you looking for new opportunities and learning from other experts? how can your family and spouse support you?

Create your structure to be flexible and follow your structured plan with discipline, set realistic expectations, focus on the experience, and what you can learn on your journey to achieve your goals. You will overcome your limitations and always be the best version of you! 

You may need help creating your structure, we would be happy to help you find the best structure for you!

Maksimalkan potensi diri Anda dengan bantuan Self-Growth Coach kami. 

David Baldwin
David Baldwin
Professional and Personal Development Coach

My purpose in life is bringing the best out of people and having a positive impact on those I have the fortune to be around and connect with. With a background in Teaching, experience developing and working with people from various cultures, my approach with coaching is to have a dialogue which will help my client express their ideas and thoughts, organize them conhesively and use thme to create a plan that will help them better understand their underlying values, passion, develop a growth mindset, remove self-limitations/doubts, increase confidence and self-awareness that will allow them to acheive any goal they set out to reach.

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