Reni Dwi Wahyuni

Corporate and Career Coach


DKI Jakarta

515.5 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

Coach Tere, a seasoned Executive/Corporate & Career Coach with a profound passion for Human Development. With a track record of over 500 hours of coaching experience, Tere brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her clients. Specializing in Personal Growth, Leadership, and Career advancement, she is committed to helping individuals unlock their full potential and achieve their professional and personal goals.

Tere's unique skill set extends beyond coaching, as she is also a skilled Trainer and Facilitator in areas such as Emotional Intelligence, Service Excellence, and Leadership. Through dynamic training sessions and interactive workshops, Tere has successfully empowered individuals from various industries to enhance their skills and thrive in their respective roles.

As an accomplished author, Tere has published the insightful book, "The KIND Brain: The Art of Connecting Yourself to Customers Based on How the Brain Works." In this book, Tere unravels the secrets of Customer Engagement, offering a comprehensive understanding of how to create meaningful connections with customers. Drawing from her managerial background in the banking industry, Tere shares valuable perspectives and practical strategies to optimize customer interactions, leaving a lasting impact on business success.

With Tere as your trusted guide, you can expect a warm and friendly coaching approach. She listens attentively, gaining a deep understanding of your unique strengths and challenges. Through collaborative exploration, Tere helps you strategize and overcome obstacles, fostering both career and life success. Her coaching style is founded on empathy, authenticity, and a genuine desire to see her clients flourish.

Unleash the transformative power of coaching and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and achievement. Whether you are striving for career advancement, seeking to enhance your leadership skills, or pursuing personal growth, Tere is dedicated to guiding you in becoming the person you aspire to be. Take the first step towards positive change and contact Tere through Visecoach now. Your path to success awaits!

Work Experiences

- Corporate and Career Coach
- Trainer & Facilitator
- Coaching & Emotional Social Learning Instructor for Program Guru Penggerak & Program Sekolah Penggerak at The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology

- Career Coach
- HR Mock Up Interviewer

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.
- Senior Manager in Branch Operations
- Head of Customer Service
- Manager in the Business Development Department
- Manager in the Marketing Department
- Assistant Manager in the Marketing Department
- Back Office Staff

Other Professions

Trainer and Facilitator


S1 Management, ABFI Institute of PERBANAS Jakarta

Magister of Management - Strategic Service management - Universitas Ciputra

Certifications and Credentials

·    Certified Executive Coach
·    Certified Professional Coach
·    Certified Emotional Intelligence Trainer
·    Certified BNSP Trainer 
·    Certified Risk Management - BMSR – Badan Sertifikasi Manajemen Resiko
·    Certified Points of You L1
·    Certified BusinessCraft Facilitator CIAS
·    Member of Trainer of TEMPA Trainers Guild

Other Certifications

Certified Points of You, Certified Emotional Intelligence Trainer, BNSP Certified Trainer, BNSP Certified Risk Management, Certified Business Craft Board Game


Kemendikbudristek, Bank Mandiri, BCA, Bank Jateng, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, BNI, BJB, BJB Syariah, BTPNS, Bank Sulteng, Bank DKI, Bank DKI Syariah, BPOM RI, Kemendes PDTT, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, Asia Utama Wisata, Unilever, Kementerian PUPR, Sinar Mas Mining, Citanusa, LKM Bogor, Dinkes Depok, BNP2TKI, NFBS Serang, Pengelola UMKM Cimahi, Cipta Hydro, Tiara Aksara, MI Daarussofa, Dinamika Mitra Huresindo, DL Slim & Skin Care, Labschool Rawamangun, Upfield, and other corporates

Layanan Coaching dari Reni Dwi Wahyuni

Be a Successful Manager
Be a Successful Manager

Kembangkan diri Anda menjadi Manajer yang efektif melalui 4 kali pertemuan coaching bersama Leadership Coach pilihan Anda....

Living Your Dream Career
Living Your Dream Career

Temukan kejelasan arah karier yang sesuai dengan purpose Anda. Buat strategi untuk pencapaian visi karier yang dilengkapi rencana dan strategi....

Apa kata coachee tentang Reni Dwi Wahyuni ?

Agung Wibawa Tjokorde - Pelindo
1 month ago

Sesi coaching selama 1 jam yg luar biasa, di sesi awal ini saya sudah mulai bisa memahami goal dan kendala terkait pencapaian goal saya, coach bisa mengarahkan saya dengan baik utk pencapaian goal saya

Davino Aditya Dwinanda
3 months ago

1. I understand what is my goal and i'm able to differentiate between my ambition and what I really like to fulfill my life 2. The discussion made me thinking through to achieve my goals i could start from the smallest steps 3. Two ways discussion to make me realize and mapping my life ahead

Ayu Putri Maharani
3 months ago

- this session opening up my mind and make me realize things that I previously didn't realize - it also changed the way I perceive myself and how I react to something to be more + - the session also helps me find the way out - seems like 2x coaching session is not enough and hope there will be additional coaching session :)

Fitri Firdayanti
3 months ago

Coach Tere friendly n wise sekali, sesi coaching juga terasa cepet karena pembawaannya yg enjoy n nyaman

Syafini Ahdiniah Rizky Umasugi
3 months ago

Sesinya sangat menyenangkan, buat saya jadi lebih mengetahui potensi yang saya punya, obrolannya santai tidak terlalu berat, jadi enjoy jalaninnya, terimakasih banyak untuk Coach Tere💖🫂

Dr. Fransisca Lusiana - Mayapada Healthcare
3 months ago

sesi coaching lalu membahas goal yang ingin saya capai dalam 6 bulan kedepan dan ingin seperti apa saya 6 bulan kedepan. saya mulai berani mengungkapkan apa yang biasanya saya tidak ingin bicarakan dan mulai berani menetapkan goal yang harus saya capai

Muhammad Irvan - Elnusa
3 months ago

Coaching dilakukan dalam kondisi yang serius namun santai. Coach memberi perspektif mengenai bagaimana coaching dapat membantu coachee meng-unlock dirinya untuk daat mencapai tujuan.

Isni Rizqi Putri
1 year ago

Sangat seru dan enjoy selama sesi. Jadi menambah insight untuk lebih tahu terkait kelebihan diri sendiri. Terima kasih Kak Tere :)

Bagikan profile Reni Dwi Wahyuni
Location DKI Jakarta Member since 27 Maret 2020 Status Available Gender Female