Bagaimana coaching memberikan dampak bagi mereka?

Coaching helps individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness fosters personal growth, leading to better decision-making and a more fulfilling life.

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Apa kata coachee ?

Hasliani Hanisu
Hasliani Hanisu
6 months ago

I can feel so much different in my life and my relationship with people in my real life. It turns out that the coaching process is very important and give positive impact on my life. Coach Anthy is amazing. I felt so comfortable talking to her straight away, which helped a lot. Cheerful, helpful, friendly. I would definitely recommend her to many people.

Andi Nurzainunah
Andi Nurzainunah
6 months ago

Working with coach Anthy was the best investment i made this year. She helped me understand about my kid's development especially about my kid's literacy. 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Tri Rahayu Utami - RANGKUL
6 months ago

Mba Grace menyadarkan saya untuk menemukan passion utama dan need yg menjadi tujuan utama saya dalam hidup, supaya dapat menjalani hidup dengan lebih baik yang sesuai dengan panggilan hidup saya. Juga membantu untuk menyusun back up plan dari rencana utama yg mungkin tidak berhasil. Dari 3 sesi coaching, selalu ada "PR" yg harus saya temukan sendiri dan mba grace selalu kasih instrumen untuk membantu saya menjalankan PR dengan lebih mudah. Terima kasih mba grace atas coachingnya selama ini. Semoga sukses dan sehat selalu 🥰

R.A. Alifia Tasya Mudia
6 months ago

Sesi coaching yang sangat seru dan membuka mata. Melalui sesi ini saya merasa lebih percaya diri untuk melaju pada rencana perjalanan karir saya. Sesi coaching ini memberikan strategi efektif untuk mencapai tujuan karir jangka panjang saya dan bahkan jenjang pendidikan selanjutnya yang ingin saya tempu. Penjelasan Kak Dina yang detail dan pendekatan yang personal membuat saya merasa didengarkan dan dipahami. Thank you so much Kak Dina this opportunity<3

6 months ago

The session is so awesome thank you Imelda ! I am getting real shifts in what I have asked for - even one thing I have wanted to change for years - then started getting more awareness of how I could dissolve limitations and access greater consciousness and possibility and creation in this area - so cool !

April Lia Susanti
6 months ago

Alhamdulillah lega sekali setelah mengikuti sesi ini. Terima kasih ms, yang telah membantu saya mengatasi rasa kekhawatiran saya yang berlebihan dan ketidakpercayaan saya terhadap anak saya yang mulai beranjak dewasa

Indira Dewi Kasri - Pelindo
6 months ago

Alhamdulillah sharing dengan coach theresia selama 2 kali pertemuan membuat saya banyak belajar hal2 baru, termasuk berkomunikasi yang baik dengan anak2 Terima kasih coach sudah membantu dan mendengarkan keluh kesah saya

Adinda Diana Azzahra
7 months ago

kak dinaaa, thank you banget sudah bantu aku buat persiapan msib, bener² detail bangettttt terusss asik ngobrolnyaaaa, aaaaaa terima kasih kak dinaaa, sehat selaluuu ya kakk 🥺🫶🏻

Nanda Brillian Fajrina
7 months ago

Mentoring session sama kak Dina so so helpful buat nambah informasi dan beberapa pertimbangan lainnya yang belum terpikirkan buat rencana karier ke depannya. Beberapa saran untuk bisa makin upgrade CV aku juga helpful banget buat aku yang masih suka bingung harus isi apa di CV. Thank you so much kakk <3

1 month ago

On the first session, i was mainly focusing on my concern for the way i lead as in my leadership style is strictly professional. While in the conversation, i realized that the way i think and see of something sometimes are only just a baseless assumption and the coaching made me realize by the questions she asked that is so hitting to he point. While she figures where the problem comes from, she also answers my expectations where actually people management is such important thing that i will need later when i work on professional work. On the second session, as i was concern with the value that i need to have later when i start professional work, coach helps me to find it from little things that i succeed. I always only focusing on my university life especially organization, not knowing that self value that we have comes from every little decision that we made that made a big impact in our life. Coach also helps me to gain my confidence by helping to pinpoint the things that I need to see and to work on if i want to go to professional works later on. Overall, it was a very nice and eye-opening sessions, and the way that the coach make sure to understand the context and listening well to my story so that i dont feel overshare really helps me to gain what i probably never realize that something might and could help the thing that i want to achieve. Thank you so much and i wish for the best for Coach Laily!

Rivaldo Gere Gurky
6 months ago

1. She knows the boundary when to dig, when to step back, when to speak 2. She's good to direct my mind to deeper level 3. She can decoding my brain to see what are in the deep and lost ocean that is correlated to my main issue 4. She's so calm. I don't know why. This is cool Overall: It's so rare to have these all qualities from a coach. Top Notch! Thanks so much, Coach Mia

Rizka Hany
Rizka Hany - RANGKUL
7 months ago

Setelah sesi selesai, banyak membantu menguraikan kekusutan & overthinking menjadi lebih sederhana. Perasaan-perasaan yang bergejolak sebelumnya divalidasi dan semua merupakan hal wajar yang dirasakan banyak orang. Setelah sesi, saya akan lebih banyak berlatih lebih mindful dalam melakukan setiap hal.

Arum Dwi Astari
7 months ago

1. Saya bisa membuat goal yang lebih jelas 2. Saya bisa menentukan action plan selanjutnya 3. Saya tau area apa yang masih butuh diimprove 4. Mengubah mindset saya menjadi lebih positif dalam menghadapi tantangan

Rizki Fatmala
7 months ago

Perasaan sedihku bisa keluar dan tervalidasi. Di hari itu juga aku menyelesaikan hal yang mengganjal. Sekarang aku bisa fokus menata ke depannya. Can't wait to the upcoming session!

Sri Susanti Pakaya
7 months ago

Alhamdulillah bersyukur bgt jadi salah satu "the chosen ones" yg dpt special sessions dari Bu Rina. Thx so much Bu Rina. You helped me unlocked my deep motivation and found the strongest values toward my goal. Bismillah I believe I achieve. Mohon bimbingan dan coachingnya. Barakallah