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Coaching helps individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness fosters personal growth, leading to better decision-making and a more fulfilling life.
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Apa kata coachee ?
Tania Suling
I feel that Josh' undivided attention during the coaching session has always been a blessing to me and I'm sure also for all his clients I can trust him instantly as a high-flyer in coaching and able to see his sincere intention for me to grow and receive the max benefit within every single session of coaching. For that, I am so grateful. I learn about Emotional Resilience and some instant technique that I need to practice for my own benefit, also about self- compassion and those are very crucial for me achieving my goals - as those will make me stay consistent in managing my priorities.
Sevira Nur Azmi - Coaching Indonesia
Alhamdulillah sesi coaching kedua ini berjalan dengan lancar dan sangat menyenangkan. Di sesi ini saya dipandu untuk mengetahui sejauh apa progress yang sudah berhasil saya lalui dan apa saja indikator yang akan saya capai hingga di sesi ketiga nanti. Coach sangat ramah, asik, dan memberi semangat baru dengan motivasi yang disampaikan.
Sherly H
I went to two psychologists last year and I felt worse afterwards. I think we just were not a good match. But those two experiences discouraged me for searching help. I signed up for session with Grace only because I've been a silent reader to her blog and I thought this would be my last attempt of seeking help. I didn't have any expectation. I thought about all bad possibilities, maybe I would be judged again, maybe I would feel worsened again. I was surprised to find out that I actually felt better after session with Grace. She held the session like a professional but I could sense her friendship side too. Talking with her felt like talking to an old friend. She could ask deep questions in a very understandable choice of words. Thank you, Grace.
Riduan H Hutabarat - Coaching Indonesia
Saya sudah sangat puas untuk sesi 2 ini kak, terimakasih sudah bnyk memberi saran, dan membantu saya menyadari peluang-peluang yang saya miliki untuk melatih diri saya 🙏
Aurelia Ignes
Josh is a great coach! At first, I couldn't see my future clearly. Don't know what to do or what plans to make; just go with the flow. All the reflective questions that he asked, led me to discover who I am and drove me to be a better version of myself.
Abelia Putri Maharani
senang bersama coach Aan pada coaching sesi pertama ini. coach asik, tidak kaku, membantu saya mendapatkan point dari diri saya dan yang sedang saya hadapi
Vincentia Priscilla Ariodamar
The coaching session helped me to dig into the root cause of many of the issues I have been dealing with and allowed me to understand what steps I need to take to become a better version of myself. My coach was very attentive and patient in guiding me through processing my own thoughts and took the time to help me arrive at practical solutions. Thank you Coach Josh!
Siti Mutia
Coaching session ini membantu karyawan menghadapi permasalahan pada pekerjaan, selalu merasakan ketidakyakinan atas kemampuan sendiri (tidak percaya diri) & progres menuju target terlambat, berdampak pada fokus yang kurang, dengan adanya sesi ini dimana adanya take & give terhadap karyawan dan coaching itu sendiri sehingga bisa diatasi dengan baik.
Mba Cinta.. Terimakasih… Saya sangat terbantu dan semakin yakin dengan apa yang saya lakukan bisa berdampak positif buat orang2 di sekitar saya…Mba Cinta mampu mendorong saya untuk berani bermimpi, berani bertindak dalam mencapai tujuan hidup saya… thank you so much Mbaa!!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Febri Ana Dwi Sarwindah
happy bgt punya mentor kak Fanny. she is really humble dan mau untuk sharing pengalamannya sedetail itu. Selalu asking feedback about the topic yg udah diberikan. Bisa ngobrol halhal di luar materi mentoring
Ridwan Setiawan
I think I am a quite details person, but when I hear few things from coach Adi on today's session, I found my self need to upgrade the skill level of understanding something. Thanks coach for bringing a really good point on our coaching session today.
Stella Cynara
First session with Josh is talking about setting the objective, he digged the "why" & "who" of my self reflection. By doing so, i can see the clearer path & find my personal objective. It is all about starting with ourselves first not interest of other. I am so thankful that Josh really listened and helped me map out my complex self.
Lilik Khumairoh
Coaching dengan mbak Gesi terasa menyenangkan dan menenangkan. Mbak Gesi mendengarkan dan memperhatikan dg baik sharing saya, bahkan bertanya apakah saya mengharap jawaban atau tidak. Tidak pernah menyalahkan atau judging. Dari coaching dengan mbak Gesi saya selalu mendapat tips yg bisa dicoba dalam menyiasati sikon/problem yg sy hadapi. Mbak Gesi juga selalu mengajak dan menanyakan apa action berikutnya supaya menjadi lebih baik lagi. Terima kasih mbak Gesi ❤️
Sarah Seibert
Josh is so gifted in asking precise questions that really make you think through what is inside your heart. I am appreciative of the coaching I experienced with Josh and I hope to take the things I learned into the days ahead.
Livvie Cahill
These two coaching sessions have been very helpful. It really gave me the opportunity to see things clearer than before, by being asked questions that I perhaps wouldn't have asked myself. The session time was intentional and I felt was made to feel important. It was great to be able to think out loud in a safe , challenging and encouraging space.