Jump Into a New Career – How Should We Respond to It?
Career Coaching

Jump Into a New Career – How Should We Respond to It?

Happy New Year!

These days, for some of you still an earlier day/week into a new career and feel an uncomfortable situation, trust me, it is normal.  You are still in the early stage towards something that you love to do in your career. A new career, here means either you start your own business or work in another organization that you desire.  These days are crucial moments and require courage and planning on how to succeed in your dream career.

Some of you - it probably, this is not your first time jumps into a new career, but still, you need to be aware that you now jump into unfamiliar career territory – how should we respond to this?

Let`s deep-dive.

Reflection – Do I move for the right reasons?

Ask yourself to get a better understanding, why you desire to make a change in your career? This career transition should be born out of a desire for things like fulfillment, happiness, and flexibility among others.

Baca juga 6 Jenis Kepribadian dan Dampaknya Terhadap Karir

Be active in your new career

Learn what opportunities and challenges exist in the new career. Do extra-mile activities such as shadowing, networking, join a professional association, and learn/seek upcoming trends.

Value your skills

Prior to jump into this new career, you had skills set and experiences that all of those are transferable value skills into this new field. For example, if you have been working in the corporate world and start your own business or plan to work in another corporate organization, you have an established reputation, value contacts, and other best practices. What about if the skill set is not matched with my career in this industry? Be vulnerable to go back to school/institution to prepare yourself ready in the arena.  

Financial preparation

If you plan to start your own business as your new career, please consider having ideally up to 12 months of living expenses. It may also wise to meet with a financial advisor to get a professional opinion and learn about other options that may be open for you.

It’s about a journey

Both, you start a new business or start your new job in the corporate world to reach your fulfillment, it’s all about a journey. Create a plan, which is I strongly recommend writing down on the paper, celebrate small wins along your journey are helping you to feel better about yourself/your progress, and make a partnership with a professional career coach that he/she will maximize your personal & professional potential.  All of these will put you to continue work that it makes your dreams a reality.

Do you want to talk more about this? Let me know.

Buat strategi masa depan karier Anda dengan bantuan Career Coach kami.

Tigor Namora, MEng, MBA, ACC, ACC

Leadership Coach Check the profile at https://visecoach.com/tigor-namora-meng-mba-acc

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