Parenting for Millennial Parents

Parenting for Millennial Parents

Kenali diri Anda sebagai seorang millennial yang sedang membesarkan anak dan ingin membangun pola asuh yang tepat di zaman yang serba digital dan menantang ini.

  • Total Sesi: 4 sesi
  • Periode Coaching: 3 bulan
  • Durasi: 60 min
  • Delivery: online

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10 coaches available

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Helda Maria Surjadi
Helda Maria Surjadi

Mindset & Emotion Coach

🌟 Thrive with Helda Tan 🌟 Experience the power of Positive Psychology and accelerate your growth! As a seasoned Mindset & Emotion Coach, I'll guide you to a winning mindset

4.71 (31 reviews)

166.5 hours

99 coachee

Ika Kharismasari
Ika Kharismasari

Life & Parenting Coach

Ika Kharismasari, CPC, mengikuti passionnya setelah mendapatkan sertifikasi dari International Coaching Federation. Setelah 10 tahun berkarya sebagai corporate legal selama 10 tahun di industri migas, ia bertransformasi menjadi coach yang fokus pada Selft-Growth dan Parenting. Pengalaman sebagai relawan konselor sebaya di youth center memperkuat dedikasinya. Ika menciptakan sesi coaching yang non-judging, menyenangkan serta memberikan wawasan transformasional bagi kliennya.

4.82 (28 reviews)

44.5 hours

17 coachee

Ilmia Lasmita
Ilmia Lasmita

Self-Growth, Wellness & Parenting Coach

ICF Certified Coach, Ilmia Lasmita guides clients with positivity and active listening. Specializing in Self-Growth, Wellness, and Parenting, she will empower you to achieve goals.

4.91 (126 reviews)

324.25 hours

105 coachee

Iris Purwandari
Iris Purwandari

Corporate Leadership, Self-Growth, Career, and Parenting Coach

Certified Coach, HR Leader, & Parent. Guiding clients to discover true selves & paths. Expertise in leadership, career, personal growth, & more. Passionate about choir and hiking.

4.79 (24 reviews)

174.33 hours

32 coachee

Lukman Fajar Purwoko
Lukman Fajar Purwoko

Self Growth - Leadership - Parenting

Lukman Fajar Purwoko, M.T, CEC, biasa dipanggil coach Lukman, adalah seorang praktisi Pendidikan, saat ini menjabat sebagai Principal di salah satu sekolah boarding di Bogor. 

4.71 (31 reviews)

49.5 hours

38 coachee

Mutia Prihatini Soerahardjo
Mutia Prihatini Soerahardjo

Business & Parenting Coach

Mutia is a Co-Founder of Coaching Indonesia and a Business Coach with over 20 years of experience as a Business Owner and mother. Her personal struggles in balancing multiple roles led her to realize the importance of self-empowerment. She became a licensed Business Coach in 2004 and later hired an international business coach to implement her knowledge into her own business. She eventually became an ICF coach and enriched her profession as a parenting coach in 2021. Mutia is here to support individuals in their own journeys towards empowerment.

4.88 (169 reviews)

239 hours

124 coachee

Nolly Triana
Nolly Triana

Parenting & Career Coach

Mom from 3 children. Working at FMCG company as People Partner and as a coach and co - facilitator for Purpose workshop in my company 

4.58 (12 reviews)

15.5 hours

36 coachee

Novianti Rachmayani
Novianti Rachmayani

Parenting, Career and Self-Growth Coach

Novianti or known as Coach Opi Empowering growth through neuroscience-based coaching. Transformative journeys for individuals & organizations. Unleash your potential now!

4.86 (95 reviews)

253.75 hours

130 coachee

Rika Ermasari
Rika Ermasari

Professional Coach

Non Medical Head Division of Permata Ibu Hospital (group of Brawijaya Women and Children Hospital)

0 (0 reviews)

0 hours

1 coachee

titik setiati
titik setiati

Life & Parenting Coach and Corporate Coach

Lebih dari 25 tahun mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Ibu yang bekerja di perusahaan multinasional. Meniti karir dimulai dari seorang sekretaris hingga jabatan terakhir sebagai "Vice President Human Resources & General Affair". Karir baru sejak tahun 2014 sebagai "Corporate Coach" dan tahun 2018 memfokuskan diri pada "Life & Parenting Coach" karena meyakini bahwa dengan perubahan jaman dan banyaknya informasi dewasa ini, metode “coaching” membantu terbentuknya hubungan harmonis dalam keluarg

4.82 (128 reviews)

212.5 hours

129 coachee