Bagaimana coaching memberikan dampak bagi mereka?

Coaching helps individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness fosters personal growth, leading to better decision-making and a more fulfilling life.

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Apa kata coachee ?

Asya -Natasya
Asya -Natasya
3 years ago

So happy and grateful being coached by Coach Thomas. He is a very attentive listener and also giving save space for me to start something, at least 1 thing, he said even though it's not yet in the perfect form (I'm talking about youtube videos I've been wanting to make alive since last year) Overall, our 1st session is a very fun convenient session where I can easily pouring all out stuff that has been just laying around in my mind and heart. Thank you Coach Thomas

Vanya Brigitta
Vanya Brigitta
4 years ago

Another coaching session with Josh , and we talked about Relationships As he helps me to understand more about personal growth and how it shapes my view about relationship in general With simple method he helped me a lot to view relationship from so many sides of perspectives Thanks coach josh! You did awesome ??

Laurentia Sumarni
3 years ago

Excellent. Coach Erni membantu saya menyadari diri saya sendiri dengan pelan-pelan membuka kesadaran saya. Saya mampu menjadi terbuka karena Coach Erni membuat saya nyaman untuk terbuka dan berani untuk menatap diri saya sejujurnya. Keep up the good work.

Safira Ryanatami
4 years ago

Manfaat banget sesi hari ini, bantu aku untuk memetakan apa yang aku khawatirkan di beberapa tahun terakhir dan mencari benang merah apa yang akan aku eksplor, can't wait for the next meeting!

Nur Maulany Din El Fath - Coaching Indonesia
4 years ago

Suara Mas Sidik bisa tiba-tiba mengecil sehingga jadi tidak kedengaran sama sekali. Mungkin saran dari saya adalah volume suaranya dibuat lebih stabil kedepannya. Overall, semuanya smooth dan menyenangkan selama 3 sesi bareng Mas Sidik. Thank you!

Rintha Arini - Coaching Indonesia
4 years ago

MS erni memiliki cara yang cukup unik untuk menggali pribadi seseorang, Beliau mampu mengajak coache untuk menceritakan masalah hidup tanpa beban dan merasa malu. Hal paling saya sukai dari setiap sesi adalah beliau tidak pernah menjugde saya berada di posisi yang benar atau salah. Bahkan pelajaran terbesar yang saya ambil selama sesi adalah bahwa saya tidak boleh menjudge diri sendiri dan membantu saya untuk melihat masalah sebagai bagian dari rasa bersyukur. Beliau selalu memancing untuk mengembangkan pola pikir dan emosional ke level yang lebih tinggi. Hidup adalah proses dan tidak pernah ada kata telambat untuk memperbaiki diri. Terima kasih Ms erni atas kesempatan dan waktu yang luar biasa, sesi yang singkat namun bermakna untuk setiap perjalanan hidup saya. Bahagia selalu Ms Erni!!

Zulkhaidir Purwanto - Coaching Indonesia
3 years ago

Tidak ada masukan. Saya sangat senang bisa sharing dengan coach Afryan. Sangat insightful. Terima kasih atas waktu dan energinya pak Afryan. Semoga dimudahkan rejekinya.

Azi Hasendi
3 years ago

karena penilaiannya baik saya pikir tidak ada yang perlu saya berikan masukan karena beliau dengan sabar dan tenang mendengarkan dan mencoba terus menggali permsalahan/kondisi yang sedang kita hadapi

Ainayatul Wakhidah
4 years ago

Waktu Sesi coaching kurang lama hehe. Karena saya menikmati coaching tersebut dan menekan saya untuk terus berfikir kritis dan mengasah otak. Saya berharap coach sering membuat kesempatan sharing seperti ini, karena bagi saya ini sangatlah membantu kami yang masi binggung dengan diri sendiri dan membantu mengembangkan potensi. Terima kasih coach

4 years ago

Berbincang dengan Coach Sidik memberikan saya pandangan-pandangan baru mengenai situasi yang sedang berkembang dimana menurut saya sangat berguna untuk diterapkan serta bagaimana mengembangkan diri ke depan. Salut for Coach Sidik!

Ika Kharismasari
Ika Kharismasari
4 years ago

Coach Limbong is a good coach. Selalu bersemangat dalam memberikan coaching. Semangatnya menular ke saya untuk bisa konsisten menjalankan rencana yang sudah dibuat. Thanks for the insights, coach ? You do good and keep up the good work ?

Adinda Sekar Ayu - Coaching Indonesia
4 years ago

Kalo masukan gaada. Yang penting makasih coach udah ngasih perspektif buat saya. Baik untuk bisnis maupun gimana cara saya menghandle masalah2 yg ada to be a better person..

Yuyun Vina Yulia
Yuyun Vina Yulia
4 years ago

As I remember, my Coach has organized our session really well. What I love: 1. She contacted me several hours before due date, it's get me prepared my schedule & myself. 2. Maybe because we know each other, the rapport building went quite smooth. 3. She gave a short briefing before we start. About the program, How will we run the process, what goals we have to set then to reach indeed, and Ask me whether I;m ready to start. 4. On the Process, She did her job well. She did it systematically. She Asked a question and let me explore myself, my focus on the session, and she such a good listener. I know it from the way she confirm about what she get from my statements. Yeah that's really good. 5. Through the process, she asked me a question which I can't even answer it at the first time, I forced her to give such a clue since I was clueless, but she insist to hold it. Instead, she kept guiding me with another question, which sometimes repeated-lol, that triggered me to find the answer by myself. may be that's what she call as Insight, lol. 6. Then, this one really works on me, She always give such appreciation for every step I through well along the process. I told her jokingly that I do love apreciation and feedback, and she really count every single clue i gave, consciously and unconsciously. Good job I think. 7. She always told the summary from previous process before we step up to another chapter, so did when we finished the session. She convey the summary from the begining until the last step we did in this session. 8. So afterall, my conclussion for my coach is, SHE IS A VERY GOOD LISTENER, She record every single clue she got and give a good feedback. Mmmm, what to improve? I even need a time to think about it. Oh may be these ones: Please use dif question or change the way of asking when choachee really does have no idea about the answer. lol I know that's how coach sould be running, but yeah you know, sometime we need a lil help to find the insight. lol And dont forget to give feedback and appreciation for the coachee's process. It does really boost coachee's motivation. trust me! :D Well okay, I think that's all that I can tell, I just wanna say thank you for your patien and passion for our session. keep up the good work, and may God Bless you as always. See you in another destiny.

Sabatini Bukit
3 years ago

Hi Mba Andy, Can't thank you enough for this coaching session, it is hard to believe how my life was before i came to see you. I was expecting a session with Mba Andy where she would advise me directions to solve my family problem, she instead taught me how to choose my own directions and realize that the answer is within me. I would like to thank you again for being my coach, it has made an impact on my life and i am still trying to improve day by day.

Yoyon Parjiyono
Yoyon Parjiyono
3 years ago

Content Coach Adnyana mengingatkan kembali apa yang dibicarakan dalam session sebelumnya, sehingga saya bisa refresh. Coach Andyana telah menerapkan step2 coaching sesuai dengan teory yang diajarkan dalam kursus CPC