Improve Communication and Confidence

Improve Communication and Confidence

Bangun kepercayaan diri dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, terutama jika Anda bekerja di lingkungan yang menuntut berbicara di depan orang atau kelompok.

  • Total Sesi: 4 sesi
  • Periode Coaching: 3 bulan
  • Durasi: 60 min
  • Delivery: Online

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11 coaches available

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Agnes Isti Idawati

Agnes Isti Idawati

Leadership, Self Growth, Career

Agnes salah Trainer Bidang Kepemimpinan dan Pengembangan Diri, Dosen Pengembangan Karakter, dan Coach dengan spesialisasi Leadership, Career, dan Self-Growth...

4.82 (148 reviews)

428 hours

145 coachee

Challida Hikmarani

Challida Hikmarani

Career & Self-Growth Coach

Praktisi pendidikan yang antusias membantu pengembangan diri dan karier insan muda Indonesia. Siap membantumu dalam kick off dan pengembangan diri terkait karier dan studi lanjut....

4.84 (140 reviews)

624.5 hours

170 coachee

Cinta Utami

Cinta Utami

Career & Leadership Coach

Cinta Maulida Utami, CPC - Empowering Coach igniting purposeful transformations. Passionate about guiding individuals to embrace resilience and achieve their goals....

4.93 (61 reviews)

219.25 hours

74 coachee

Diah Sasanawati (anna)

Diah Sasanawati (anna)

Leadership, Career and Life Coach

Anna berkomitmen untuk membantu kliennya menemukan potensi terbaik mereka. Filosofinya sederhana: setiap orang memiliki kekuatan untuk berkembang berubah lebih baik! ...

4.96 (50 reviews)

355.75 hours

92 coachee

Effendy Pangestu

Effendy Pangestu

Business and Life Coach

Your Guide to Personal and Professional Growth in BUSINESS & LIFE...

5 (31 reviews)

36 hours

18 coachee

Hning Wicaksono

Hning Wicaksono

Life, Leadership & Executive Coach

A passionate coach with transformative approach and having extensive HR experience, who is committed to client's growth & sustainable change, and promoting cross-cultural learning....

4.84 (126 reviews)

575.25 hours

195 coachee

Obrin Sualang

Obrin Sualang

Life Transformation Coach

Dedicated coach with 15+yrs experience at multinational company. Empowering individuals, strengthening relationships, unlocking potential, and achieving life goals. Your trusted talking buddy...

4.7 (23 reviews)

61.5 hours

20 coachee

Oktavia Pangaribuan

Oktavia Pangaribuan


Oktavia is a facilitator, certified anticorruption specialist and an inspiration class activist. Sharing experiences and helping are actions taken by a person to provide support, insight, or assistance to others based on their personal experience. Ok...

0 (0 reviews)

0 hours

0 coachee

Putu Hartana Wijaya, M.M, ACC

Putu Hartana Wijaya, M.M, ACC

Leadership, Career and Intuitive Coach

Putu Hartana Wijaya (Bli Putu) is a dedicated professional coach committed to assisting clients reach their best version. With over 5 years of experience and more than 350 coaching sessions, Bli Putu specializes in leadership, career, and intuitive c...

4.78 (152 reviews)

391.75 hours

127 coachee

Zeena Rimba

Zeena Rimba

Transformative Coach

Zeena Rimba: Passionate Transformation Coach. With a strategic mind and diverse perspective, she guides clients on a journey to positive change, unlocking their full potential....

4.95 (21 reviews)

50.25 hours

22 coachee

Zelfa Lola Maretha

Zelfa Lola Maretha

Self-Growth & Career Development Coach

Certified Professional Coach | Life Coaching | Self-Growth Coaching | Career Development Coaching | Youth Development Enthusiastic | Corporate Development...

4.97 (66 reviews)

113.75 hours

58 coachee