Find the Right Coach in Leadership Coaching

Cakupan coaching: transformasi diri sebagai pemimpin, menjadi manajer efektif, membangun kolaborasi tim, mengelola kompleksitas, berpikir strategis, membangun visi pemimpin, mengelola perubahan.

Rudy Fajaruddin

Rudy Fajaruddin

Leadership, Career and Self Growth

Introducing Drs. Rudy Fajaruddin, MBA, CPC—a trailblazer in excellence. With a stellar academic background, he fearlessly embraces challenges, consistently surpassing expectations. Rudy's story is a testament to perseverance and passion, inspiring others to reach for greatness. Join him on the journey to success.

mulyadi yuliyamin

mulyadi yuliyamin

Self-Realization Coach

Ingin tahu bagaimana cara mengatasi Stress dan Galau untuk mencapai kebahagiaan ? Saya memperaktekan Self-Realization Coaching untuk mengatasi stress dan galau sehingga menjadi bahagia. Self-Realization coaching ada proses belajar dan praktek langsung, mudah di pahami dan langsung bisa di lihat hasilnya.

Darhamsyah, Dr., CEC. (Academic and Career Happiness Coach)

Darhamsyah, Dr., CEC. (Academic and Career Happiness Coach)

Eco-Life Coach

Darhamsyah, biasa dipanggil Coach Dar, adalah seorang coach pengembangan diri yang handal. Ia berpengalaman di bidang coaching karir, edukasi, kultural dan lingkungan hidup. Ia memiliki passion yang kuat untuk membantu orang dan organisasi, menemukan jalan dan kemampuan terbaiknya. ASN Teladan Nasional ini, seorang penulis dan pembicara profesional di bidang transformasi diri dan organisasi. Eco-Life coaching adalah pedekatan otentik yang mencerahkan dengan belajar hidup selaras dengan alam.

Agung Rangkuti

Agung Rangkuti

Youth and Community Empowerment

Let's embark on a transformative journey together!

Evy Ariza

Evy Ariza

Sales Coach, Self Growth, Life Coach

Coach Evy Ariza atau terbiasa dipanggil ‘maknyak’ telah melewati 25 tahun berkarir di bidang Sales dan Trade Marketing. Saat ini, dia sangat menikmati masa purna bakti dan meneruskan kecintaannya sebagai seorang Trainer dan Coach. Keahlian dan minat coaching mengenai Sales/Marketing Performance, Self Growth. Life Coach.

Erwin Fadillah

Erwin Fadillah

Certified Professional Coach

A dedicated and passionate coach, specializes in enhancing the development of millennials in the workforce and academia. His collaborative approach fosters growth and authentic self-expression, and also with a strong focus on empathy and personal growth, Erwin's coaching style is transformative, empowering millennials to thrive both professionally and personally. Beyond coaching, Erwin's love for music and arts enriches his sessions, providing a unique and creative touch.

Kusmayadi Asmara

Kusmayadi Asmara


Certified Professional Coach

Aryani Novita

Aryani Novita

Career, Business and Investment Coach

Imagine having somebody who understands your unique ambitions, worries, and dreams? Aryani's coaching journey is a life-changing experience that allows you to take ownership of your personal and professional development. You will acquire clarity on your unique path, build powerful strategies to attain your goals, and conquer hurdles with increased confidence during the course.

Budi Dewobroto

Budi Dewobroto

Career, Leadership, Business Coach

Coach Budi Dewo has experienced in career coaching for MNC, BUMN and local company, business coaching for SME's, as well as training coaching for public, government institution and education industry. His area of expertise includes but not limited in leadership, sales, marketing, people & business development, communication, public speaking, recruitment and selection, people planning. His client varies from Ministries of Republic Indonesia, MNC, BUMN, SME, Private Company and personal clients.

petrus ng

petrus ng

Transformational Business And Life Coach

Petrus, seorang coach berpengalaman, membimbing transformasi kehidupan. Ahli dalam mentranformasi potensi seseorang dan diakui oleh ICF. Inspirasi bagi pertumbuhan dan keberhasilan

Sri Tunjung Rianto

Sri Tunjung Rianto

Coach and Trainer

Starting in 2018, Sri Tunjung Rianto embarked on a shift from corporate to entrepreneurial pursuits. Noteworthy qualifications include BNSP coach certification, ICF CPC credential, BCMP from BNSP, Training of Trainer recognition, and Project Management Professional certification. With a 26-year career spanning diverse sectors, focus areas encompass operational excellence, project management, talent development, and contract administration.

Ronny Suhendi, Drs Psi, CPC

Ronny Suhendi, Drs Psi, CPC

Self Growth, Leadership & Career Coach

Coach Ronny recognizes that each individual possesses their uniqueness and challenges, which is why he approaches every client with openness, empathy, and without prejudice.