Find the Right Coach in Wellness Coaching

Cakupan coaching: mindfulness, transformasi diri, menemukan makna hidup, life-work balance, healthy lifestyle, kebugaran dan kesehatan, weight loss, manajemen stress.



Life & Transformational Coach

I help people who feel lost and want to be passionate, want to feel balance in emotion and mind, creating life with purpose and fall in love with theirself.

Bair-R Bambang Irawan ACC-PC

Bair-R Bambang Irawan ACC-PC

Work & Life Coach

Sebagai praktisi Meditasi dengan pengalaman kerja sejak 1993 dibidang HR, Marketing, Sales, Retail dan Audit Management.

Sara Rose

Sara Rose

Well-being Coach.

Sara, a compassionate Life Seeker and Wellness Practitioner. Accompanies soul-connected individuals on their journey to essential happiness and well-being.

Laurencia Lina

Laurencia Lina

Executive and Transformational Coach

As an executive coach, Lina enjoys creating reflective space for her clients allowing them to bring a deeper awareness and reconnect with their natural best.

Helda Maria Surjadi

Helda Maria Surjadi

Mindset & Emotion Coach

🌟 Thrive with Helda Tan 🌟 Experience the power of Positive Psychology and accelerate your growth! As a seasoned Mindset & Emotion Coach, I'll guide you to a winning mindset

Syarifa Hana Wibowo

Syarifa Hana Wibowo


Meet Syarifa Hana Wibowo, known as Riri, an ambitious and empathetic coach dedicated to empowering youth. With a focus on synergy, growth, and personal development.

Intan NJ

Intan NJ

Leadership Coach, Wellness and Parenting Coach

Since she started her career in 2009, her career journey has led her to the Human Capital talent area. She is exploring her passion in people relationships through her roles in talent acquisition, talent management and recently in human capital transformation (People & Culture). Currently she is working as a Human Capital Manager who is interested in wellbeing and coaching. In the professional setting, she also has a role as Career Coach to support other people's growth.

Vidiana Pahlevi

Vidiana Pahlevi

Career, Self-growth, and Wellness Coach

Vidiana Novi Pahlevi (Vidi) adalah Coach Professional berfokus pada career, self-growth, dan wellness. Lulusan Psikologi UI dan Certified Executive Coach, dengan 30 tahun pengalaman di Human Resources. Mantan atlet pencak silat, Vidi menekuni wellness dan mengajak masyarakat peduli kesehatan fisik dan mental. Profil Vidi sebagai Coach Professional berpengalaman dan komitmen pada self-growth dan wellness, menjadi pemandu andal bagi klien mencapai tujuan karier dan pribadi.

Vita Wahid

Vita Wahid

Ikigai, self-growth and life coach

Novita Sofia Wahid, or known as Vita Wahid is a certified Life and Ikigai Coach, an author of the book "Finding Ikigai in my Journey,"a Japanese - Indonesia interpreter

Ita Hartati

Ita Hartati

Professional Certified Coach

Lahir di Jkt, 17 Juni 1962, Saat ini Bekerja di pusdiklat ppsdm Kemenkeu sebagai widyaiswara

Tary Hendra

Tary Hendra

Professional Certified Coach

Florentius Adhi Prasetyo

Florentius Adhi Prasetyo

Business Coach, Self Growth

Bisnis Coach berpengalaman, membangun bisnis kuat melalui keahlian di akuntansi, keuangan, dan pajak, serta mengintegrasikan pilar-pilar lainnya. #BisnisKuat #Akuntansi #Keuangan #