Find the Right Coach in Self-Growth Coaching
Cakupan coaching: membangun kepercayaan diri, komunikasi efektif, motivasi dan pengembangan diri, produktivitas, mengubah kebiasaan buruk, mengatasi mental-block, dan lainnya.
Muti Sutojo
Executive Coach, Leadership Coach
Previously work at Financial Industry. Currently self employed as facilitator, coach and associate business partner
Performance Acceleration Coach
Sebagai praktisi Meditasi dengan pengalaman kerja sejak 1993 dibidang HR, Marketing, Sales, Retail dan Audit Management.
Benita Theda
Self-Growth - Corporate - Career Coach & Mentor
HR Business Consultant | Professional Coach and Mentor
Nur Hanifah
Executive & Career Coach
Nur Hanifah, ACC, a former teacher turned transformative coach, ignites growth in diverse individuals through leadership, career, and self-growth coaching. Impactful & empowering!
Laurencia Lina
Executive and Transformational Coach
As an executive coach, Lina enjoys creating reflective space for her clients allowing them to bring a deeper awareness and reconnect with their natural best.
Vita Wahid
Ikigai, self-growth and life coach
Novita Sofia Wahid, or known as Vita Wahid is a certified Life and Ikigai Coach, an author of the book "Finding Ikigai in my Journey,"a Japanese - Indonesia interpreter
Armenia Widiastuti
Strength Coach, Self-Growth Coach, Parenting Coach
Armenia memulai karir sebagai seorang coach tahun 2020. Armenia senang menggali talenta dan kekuatan dari coachee nya. Armenia senang dengan pendekatan strengths coaching.
Linawati Hambali
Career and Life Coach
Lina is a career and life coach who helps you grow and achieve your dreams. She is enthusiastic, energetic and caring, and passionate about empowering you and herself to be meaningful for other people. She will support you as a friend and guide you through the most comfortable and suitable ways to find, realize and choose your goals.
Al Falaq Arsendatama
Executive & Business Coach
Al Falaq Arsendatama adalah Executive dan Business Coach. Ia berpengalaman di area coaching leadership transformation, business development dan cross-cultural integration.
Nia Kurnianingtyas
Career and Life Coach
As a career and self growth coach, Nia enjoys partnering with her clients in meaningful conversation, to help them empower themselves in reaching their potential.
Endra Ananto
Self-Growth, Career & Corporate Leadership Coach
A strategist, systemic-thinker, coffee addict, seasoned traveller, photographer and passionated cyclist that willing to facilitate anyone to achieve their goals