Find the Right Coach in Leadership Coaching

Cakupan coaching: transformasi diri sebagai pemimpin, menjadi manajer efektif, membangun kolaborasi tim, mengelola kompleksitas, berpikir strategis, membangun visi pemimpin, mengelola perubahan.




Coach, Consultant, Enterpreneur

Melly Septiani

Melly Septiani



Nina Sulistyowati

Nina Sulistyowati

Leadership, Career, Business

Selama hampir 30 tahun  berkecimpung di BUMN, berapa posisi strategis diamanahkan untuk dikelola Nina, yaitu Vice President Strategic Planning & Business Development,  Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Lubricants, Direktur Marketing & IT PT Garuda Indonesia dan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Patra Niaga. Berbagai capaian telah diraihnya, seperti keberhasilan program Transformasi Direktorat Pemasaran Pertamina, program-program aksi korporasi untuk pengembangan bisnis  baik di dalam maupun luar negeri, dan ajang kompetisi dibidang marketing, brand serta  pengelolaan anak perusahaan. Berbagai apresiasi yang telah diraihnya antara lain terpilih sebagai duta pekerja kompetitif Pertamina, Dewi BUMN 2017&2018 dan Indonesia Business Woman of the Year 2019&2020 Keminatannya sejak lama dalam pengelolaan human capital  memacunya untuk terus mematangkan diri sebagai professional coach. Pengalaman dan perjalanan panjang karirnya  dalam mengelola perusahaan merupakan nilai tambah bagi Nina dalam mengembangkan profesionalitasnya dibidang coaching, khususnya leadership, business dan career coaching

Dewi Oktavia

Dewi Oktavia

Leadership and Self Growth Coach

Passionate Coach who begins her career from accounting officer to Human Resources Specialist at one of Oil Company in Indonesia. With Dewi vast experience and her strong desire for advancement, she will focus her coaching from self-development, leadership and career. Integrating her expertise in Human Resources with the present state of affair, she will guide you to an exceptional journey in every session to explore every inches potential of yourself.



Executive and Leadership Coach

Saya menemukan coaching sebagai cara hidup. Membuat hidup lebih berdaya guna untuk masyarakat.

Muhammad Sidik

Muhammad Sidik

Sales & Business, Leadership & Career Coach

Experienced finance professional turned Certified Coach. Empowering individuals for growth & success. Coaching areas: business, sales, leadership, and students. 🌱✨

Andyana Tobing

Andyana Tobing

Career Coah,Leadership Coach

Andyana is an HR professional with 22+ years of experince in local and foreign banks such as Standard Chartered, Danamon & Chinatrus Bank.

Samuel Satria Harja, CEC

Samuel Satria Harja, CEC

Leadership and Career Coach


Hillman Akil

Hillman Akil

Executive, Innovation & Transformation Accelerator Coach

Certified Executive Coach for Leadership & Self-Empowerment | Senior Engineering Advisor | Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) Certified Executive Coach develops potential, improves performance dramatically and puts individuals on the fast track. This happens through developing personal skills, setting better goals, reaching goals faster, making better decisions, and improve nutrition, exercise and sports. By helping clients clarify the goals, identify the obstacles holding clients back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. Start as Accelerator Coach in 2008: Coaching for newly entrepreneur by using Taipan Program - The Making of Asian Giants method from Mastering the Rockefeller Habits.

Hengki Ho

Hengki Ho

Life-Calling Coach

Seorang coach yang membantu banyak orang untuk menemukan dan menggenapi panggilan hidup terdalamnya (Life-Calling).

Mey Yin Yang

Mey Yin Yang

Life-Calling Coach, Career & Business Coach

Professional Life Coach and Advisor, Chinese Metaphysics Consultant, Student of School of Life, Owner Wisdom of Life, Founder Master Key Elements

Thasya Fadilla

Thasya Fadilla

Certified Professional Coach