Find the Right Coach in Leadership Coaching
Cakupan coaching: transformasi diri sebagai pemimpin, menjadi manajer efektif, membangun kolaborasi tim, mengelola kompleksitas, berpikir strategis, membangun visi pemimpin, mengelola perubahan.
Dyah Adhi Astuti, SP, MM, CPC, CEC
Leadership, Career and Business Coach
Tituk, is a certified coach with CPC (Certified Professional Coach) and CEC (Certified Executive Coach), with over 30 years of experience in the banking industry. Whether you seek assistance in leadership development, career advancement, or personal transformation, Tituk is committed to helping you reach your goals.
Bianti Witiara Kodijat, S.psi, MM, CEC
Career, Leadership, Self Growth
Experienced and passionate Coach with 28 years of expertise in Human Resources and Management. Specializing in Leadership, Career, and Self-Growth Coaching, Bianti empowers individuals to unleash their full potential and achieve meaningful growth. With extensive coaching sessions, she has ignited transformational change and inspire.
Onma Pasti, PCC
Transformational Business and Corporate Coach
An experienced business owner turned consultant and coach, with a proven track record of impacting 500+ ventures by driving growth and fostering innovation across diverse sectors. With extensive experience in the corporate world, I have supported clients—ranging from managers to senior leaders in national and private companies—in developing resilient, high-character leaders who create positive impacts on their teams and organizations. Passionate about delivering transformative results & empower
Joko Tri Wardhono
Career, Leadership and Executive Coach
Joko TW is a highly dedicated Career, Leadership & Executive Coach, driven by an unwavering passion for empowering individuals to unlock their full potential
Grace B. Marlessy, M. Psi.
Self-Growth and Wellbeing, Leadership, Retirement Coach
A seasoned psychologist and supportive coach, dedicated to helping clients achieve their best and live a meaningful, fulfilling life.
Niken Wulandari
Career and Personal Growth Coach
Niken Wulandari adalah Certified Professional Coach dengan pengalaman 16+ tahun sebagai Psikolog memberikan performance feedback, asesmen psikologi, evaluasi kompetensi terhadap pemimpin organisasi di berbagai level dan sektor industri. Pendekatan coaching yang digunakan melibatkan pemahaman dan praktek komprehensif menangani dinamika kepribadian, proses belajar, inovasi, pengambilan keputusan, serta kepemimpinan untuk mencapai pengembangan diri & kesuksesan karir.
Ita Farina Wardojo
Executive & Career Coach
HR Practitioner and coach for leadership team, responsible for HR strategy and center of excellence team and oversee HR Operation in variety industry line e.g E-commerce, sales distribution, logistic and consumer products
Professional Coach
Experience as a profesional di berbagai industri, asosiatif speaker di beberapa lembaga training
Professional Coach
Experience as a profesional di berbagai industri, asosiatif speaker di beberapa lembaga training
Ita Hartati
Professional Certified Coach
Lahir di Jkt, 17 Juni 1962, Saat ini Bekerja di pusdiklat ppsdm Kemenkeu sebagai widyaiswara
Andi Salviah
Wellness Coach
Andi Salviah, PNS dan Internal Coach pada Puslatbang KMP LAN, Makassar. Lulusan S-2 Manajemen SDM Fakultas Manajemen Bisnis UGM tahun 2003 dan pengalaman kerja di bidang Human Resource (HR) pada perusahaan swasta. Mengikuti Professional Coach Certification Program (PCCP) dan Executive Coach Certification Program (ECCP) pada Coaching Indonesia
Andy Karamoy
Professional Certified Coach
Pendidikan S2, pengalaman kerja 35thn di Energy Management mulai junior staf sampai presiden direktur, tugas di luar Indonesia (US dan papua new guinea), melakukan coaching dan mentoring di BUMN seperti PT Bukit Asam, PT Timah, Pertamina, dan swasta