Find the Right Coach in Career Coaching

Cakupan coaching: menemukan kejelasan karier, strategi mendapatkan pekerjaan, membangun personal brand, persiapan pensiun, memaksimalkan potensi diri, dan hal lain terkait karier dan pekerjaan.

Reni Dwi Wahyuni

Reni Dwi Wahyuni

Corporate and Career Coach

Coach Tere, a seasoned Corporate & Career Coach with an extensive 350+ hours of coaching expertise. A specialist in Personal Growth, Leadership, and Career development, Tere employs a thoughtful and amicable methodology. Diligently attuned to your needs, she is friendly, all ears, and adeptly collaborates to devise strategies for clients towards triumph over obstacles. Engage with Tere through Visecoach to embark on a profound journey of transformation, propelling you closer to your aspirations.

Armenia Widiastuti

Armenia Widiastuti

Strength Coach, Self-Growth Coach, Parenting Coach

Armenia memulai karir sebagai seorang coach tahun 2020. Armenia senang menggali talenta dan kekuatan dari coachee nya. Armenia senang dengan pendekatan strengths coaching.

Herelan Abadi

Herelan Abadi

Life & Career Coach

Berkarir di Bank BUMN sejak tahun 2003 memberikan pengalaman dan pembelajaran hidup untuk terus tumbuh, berkembang dan memberikan manfaat. Ada kemauan & kemampuan untuk maju.

Widi Fajar Widyatmoko

Widi Fajar Widyatmoko

Leadership & Executive Education Coach

Temukan potensi terbaikmu bersama Coach Widi. Optimalkan kualitas proses pendidikan, karir maupun bisnis dengan pendampingan yang dilakukan secara bersahabat dan menyenangkan.

Andi Harnas B, M.M.,CPC.,CCFA

Andi Harnas B, M.M.,CPC.,CCFA

Certified Profesional Coach (CPC)

Andi Harnas B, MM,CPC.,CCFA.,FSC. saat ini bekerja sebagai dosen, Auditor dan pelatih profesional. selain itu kami mendirikan sebuah perusahaan yang memberdayakan UKM

Adi Suranta Ginting

Adi Suranta Ginting

Executive, Business and Parenting Coach

Coach Adi track record as a visionary leader, combined with his passion for guiding others on their career and retirement journeys, makes him an invaluable coach.

dheny purwo

dheny purwo

Career & Personal Development Coach

Dheny Purwo Hariyanto: Certified Professional Coach, Air Traffic Controller turned People Development Manager. Passionate about helping others thrive.

Setyorini Rahayu

Setyorini Rahayu

Career, Self Growth and Leadership Coach

HR Pro turned Coach | ACC from ICF | Passionate about empowering young professionals & employees | Psychology & HR degrees | Embracing creativity in coaching

Endang Rianiwulan, CEC

Endang Rianiwulan, CEC

Leadership, Career & Life Coach

Endang Rianiwulan, develop her coaching skill naturally by her background as a Psychologist and extensive experience for more than 30 years of services in Airline Company for various areas of responsibilities, such Human Capital, Organization & Business Process, Airline Management, Company Facilitator and Airline Safety Auditor. Further to enhance her coaching skill, she join Coaching Indonesia to be certified as Professional Coach, Executive Coach and Entrepreneur Coach.

Rina Dewi Lina

Rina Dewi Lina

Rina Dewi Lina, Financial Planner & Coach

Financial Planner & Coach Lulusan Magister Management , Lebih dari 20 tahun sebagai Director of Agency, dan 14 tahun sebagai praktisi perencana keuangan.

Challida Hikmarani

Challida Hikmarani

Career & Study Coach

Praktisi pendidikan yang antusias membantu pengembangan diri dan karier insan muda Indonesia. Siap membantumu dalam kick off dan pengembangan diri terkait karier dan studi lanjut.

F.Dhianna Sri Setyohariyati,CPC

F.Dhianna Sri Setyohariyati,CPC

Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching

Florentina Dhianna, CPC Leadership, Career, Self-Growth Coaching. Dhianna, a seasoned Coach with 5+ years' experience, specializes in leadership, career, and personal growth. With a CPC certification and 30 years in healthcare, she's a compassionate mentor. Reach out to Dhianna for career love and personal growth support. Empowerment awaits!