Find the Right Coach in Career Coaching

Cakupan coaching: menemukan kejelasan karier, strategi mendapatkan pekerjaan, membangun personal brand, persiapan pensiun, memaksimalkan potensi diri, dan hal lain terkait karier dan pekerjaan.

Niken Wulandari

Niken Wulandari

Career and Study Growth Coach

Niken Wulandari adalah Certified Professional Coach dari Coaching Indonesia dengan pengalaman 16 tahun sebagai Psikolog menangani assesment center, memberikan konsultasi kinerja untuk pemimpin perusahaan & organisasi, serta sebagai pengajar praktik HR. Coach Niken memiliki gaya coaching yang empatik dan pemahaman solid tentang dinamika kepribadian, multiple intelligence, serta kepemimpinan, yang sangat membantu memberdayakan klien mencapai kesuksesan dalam dunia profesional dan akademis.

Linawati Hambali

Linawati Hambali

Career and Life Coach

Lina is a career and life coach who helps you grow and achieve your dreams. She is enthusiastic, energetic and caring, and passionate about empowering you and herself to be meaningful for other people. She will support you as a friend and guide you through the most comfortable and suitable ways to find, realize and choose your goals.

Aquira Moeladi

Aquira Moeladi

Leadership and Personal Growth Coach

Aquira - Empowering Transformation and Impactful Leadership. With over 25 years of HR and leadership experience, she is a Certified Professional Coach empowering transformation, mindfulness, and impactful leadership. Guiding individuals to unlock their potential and fulfill their life's purpose.

citra aulia_bunda

citra aulia_bunda

Career & Self Growth Coach

a dedicated career and people development coach, passionate about helping individuals unlock their full potential, enhance their skills, and achieve personal and professional growth. With a strong background in human resources management and hospitality, I bring a unique blend of knowledge, empathy, and practical strategies to support my clients in their journey toward self-improvement and success.

Erika atmadja

Erika atmadja

Business, Career, Talent Development and Parenting Coach

Certified CPC Coach skilled in career, talent development,business, parenting, & more. Passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their goals. Let her guide you to success!

Indaka Pradnya Rityatama

Indaka Pradnya Rityatama

Self-Growth, Carrier, and Wellness Coach

Indaka is a dedicated coach with a strong foundation in self-growth, carrier & wellness. She is a highly qualified & certified coach with a strong academic background & experience.

Oktavia Pangaribuan

Oktavia Pangaribuan


Oktavia is a facilitator, certified anticorruption specialist and an inspiration class activist. Sharing experiences and helping are actions taken by a person to provide support, insight, or assistance to others based on their personal experience. Oktavia believes that sharing life stories, giving advice, or providing practical help in certain situations can provide inspiration, motivation, and solutions for others experiencing similar problems or difficulties.

Gogor Ugroseno

Gogor Ugroseno

Executive, Career and Self Growth Coach

Talent Dev. practitioner who believes individuals will thrive when they can speak their opinion, share and have goals. Awareness of potential brings the solutions.

Andry Lesmono

Andry Lesmono

Executive & Character Coach

An Executive Coach with 15+ years experience in people development. Passionate about empowering professionals to reach their highest potential through transformative coaching.

Annette Suzanne

Annette Suzanne

Mindset & Life Strategy Coach; Personal Leadership Coach; Social & Emotional Intelligence Coach

Hello, I'm Annette, a Certified Professional Coach with a specialization in mindset & Life strategy;; Personal leadership; Social and emotional intelligence. I am dedicated to guiding individuals towards achieving their goals and unlocking their true potential.

Yulia Prihartini

Yulia Prihartini

Life Coach, Wellnes , Career

Berkarir sebagai Professional Coach, Widyaiswara/Trainer dan Mental Health Nurse. Memfasilitasi lebih dari 3000 jam pelatihan bagi PNS Kemenkes dan Kemendikbudristek

Yuniastuti Putri

Yuniastuti Putri

Executive, Career & Self-Growth Coach

Yuni is a distinguished marketer and transformational coach renowned for her exceptional ability to drive impactful results. With an unwavering focus on achieving goals and fostering collaborative excellence, she embodies a potent blend of expertise and influence. Yuni’s mission is to empower executives and professionals, emboldening them to surge beyond their high-hurdle objectives with unshakable confidence, and guide them towards transformative personal and professional achievements.