Find the Right Coach in Leadership Coaching

Cakupan coaching: transformasi diri sebagai pemimpin, menjadi manajer efektif, membangun kolaborasi tim, mengelola kompleksitas, berpikir strategis, membangun visi pemimpin, mengelola perubahan.

Ita Utamiwati

Ita Utamiwati

Leadership, Career Coach

Embracing the belief that "Even Tiger Woods needs a coach," I'm inspired to unlock potential and discover passions in others. Experienced in Hospitality Management, I possess decades of industry expertise in Operations, Finance, Training, HR, and Business Development. Passionate about coaching since my HR days, I earned my Certified Executive Coach (CEC) certification in 2019. As a skilled listener and adept at customer service, these qualities translate seamlessly into coaching.

Husin Wijaya

Husin Wijaya

Executive & Family Business Coach

Experienced Executive Coach | Master Trainer | Certified Strategic Coach | Certified Sales Coach | Passionate about empowering professionals | Indonesia & Malaysia

Widi Fajar Widyatmoko

Widi Fajar Widyatmoko

Leadership & Executive Education Coach

Temukan potensi terbaikmu bersama Coach Widi. Optimalkan kualitas proses pendidikan, karir maupun bisnis dengan pendampingan yang dilakukan secara bersahabat dan menyenangkan.

Andi Harnas B, M.M.,CPC.,CCFA

Andi Harnas B, M.M.,CPC.,CCFA

Certified Profesional Coach (CPC)

Andi Harnas B, MM,CPC.,CCFA.,FSC. saat ini bekerja sebagai dosen, Auditor dan pelatih profesional. selain itu kami mendirikan sebuah perusahaan yang memberdayakan UKM

dheny purwo

dheny purwo

Career & Personal Development Coach

Dheny Purwo Hariyanto: Certified Professional Coach, Air Traffic Controller turned People Development Manager. Passionate about helping others thrive.

Rina Dewi Lina

Rina Dewi Lina

Rina Dewi Lina, Financial Planner & Coach

Financial Planner & Coach Lulusan Magister Management , Lebih dari 20 tahun sebagai Director of Agency, dan 14 tahun sebagai praktisi perencana keuangan.

Challida Hikmarani

Challida Hikmarani

Career & Study Coach

Praktisi pendidikan yang antusias membantu pengembangan diri dan karier insan muda Indonesia. Siap membantumu dalam kick off dan pengembangan diri terkait karier dan studi lanjut.

dayu bagus

dayu bagus

Business Agility Coach - Agile Coach - Scrum Master - CPC

 Agile Coach | Scrum Master | Program Manager 🚀 👋 Hello, I'm Dayu Bagus, an experienced and results-driven Agile Coach, Scrum Master, and Program Manager

Ray Burton, BBus, MBA

Ray Burton, BBus, MBA

Business, Career, and Leadership Coach

Ray Burton is a remarkable individual with an extensive and diverse background in various industries and disciplines. As the Founder & Director of PT Aseana Internasional Indonesia, he has excelled in the fields of Advisory, Coaching & Training (ACT), specializing in areas such as Strategy, Risk Management, Finance, Investment, Marketing, and Business Incubation.

Linawati Hambali

Linawati Hambali

Career and Life Coach

Lina is a career and life coach who helps you grow and achieve your dreams. She is enthusiastic, energetic and caring, and passionate about empowering you and herself to be meaningful for other people. She will support you as a friend and guide you through the most comfortable and suitable ways to find, realize and choose your goals.



Leadership and Family Coach

"Jelajahi potensi Anda melalui diskusi ringan dan tukar pendapat bersama kami. Kami hadir untuk membantu Anda menemukan inspirasi serta merinci tujuan yang ingin Anda capai. Mari kita bersama menciptakan perjalanan menuju kesuksesan dan pertumbuhan pribadi."

Aquira Moeladi

Aquira Moeladi

Leadership and Personal Growth Coach

Aquira - Empowering Transformation and Impactful Leadership. With over 25 years of HR and leadership experience, she is a Certified Professional Coach empowering transformation, mindfulness, and impactful leadership. Guiding individuals to unlock their potential and fulfill their life's purpose.