Find the Right Coach in Business Coaching

Cakupan coaching: memulai usaha baru, ekspansi pasar, strategi pemasaran, peningkatan penjualan, bisnis digital, pengembangan produk dan layanan, mengelola tim, dan aspek lain terkait bisnis.

Rudy Afandi

Rudy Afandi

Executive/Leadership, Career and Business Coach

A seasoned Professional Coach, specializing in Executive/Leadership, Career, and Business, with 15+ years of leadership experience in HR function

Chico Adhibaskara Ekananda Hindarto

Chico Adhibaskara Ekananda Hindarto

Business coach

I am keen in coaching entrepreneurs, start-up companies, and family businesses.  Besides running my own family businesses, I have been lecturing since 1995 in various top-notch bu

Maya Malinda

Maya Malinda

Coach Maya Malinda

Maya Malinda Lahir di Bandung, menempuh studi sarjana Manajemen Universitas Kristen Maranatha, program magister Studi Pembangunan Institut Teknologi Bandung dan Ph.D Program in Business di Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan.ROC dengan major Keuangan dan Akuntansi. Bidang penelitian saat ini dalam bidang kewirausahaan dan perencanaan keuangan pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM). Pengalaman kerja menjadi Dosen tetap di program studi Manajemen sejak tahun 1999. Memiliki sertifikasi perencanaan keuangan pribadi Certified Financial Planner (CFP) dan juga Certified Profesional Coaching (CPC), Certified Executive Coaching (CEC).

Tantia Dian Permata Indah

Tantia Dian Permata Indah

Career Coach

I’m a career coach dedicated to helping you reach your dream career&life. Bringing 10 years of experience, I will guide you through your career-path-building&remove any obstacle

Indri Wulan

Indri Wulan

Executive, Leadership, Self Growth & Business Coach

Indri is now actively taking role as Director in company which specify in Communication & Strategy Business. She's been dealing with Big Enterprises in various business category

Martha Ayu Grashiana

Martha Ayu Grashiana


Founder of Rupa Ritual

Amanda Katili Niode PhD

Amanda Katili Niode PhD

Sustainability Coach, Mentor, and Executive Trainer

Introducing Amanda Katili Niode, PhD: Your dedicated sustainability coach, mentor, and executive trainer. With a passion for climate action and extensive global experience, Amanda empowers businesses to embrace sustainable practices, fostering growth with a positive impact. Let's build a greener future together!

Catharina Latjuba

Catharina Latjuba

Professional Certified Coach


Mohamad Irwansyah

Mohamad Irwansyah

Leadership & Life Coach

Irwansyah (Iwang) adalah seorang leadership & life coach yang telah berpengalaman sejak 2005 dan sudah banyak membantu klien dengan topik personal, interpersonal dan organisasi

Jacob Win

Jacob Win

Startup & eBusiness Coach

Jacob Win dedicate his knowledge and more than 17 years experience in IT Consulting, Startup Business Coaching & NLP to help people scaleup their business.  

Danny Wardojo

Danny Wardojo

Career, Executive & Live Coach

A certified facilitator for organisation and career development within organisation and a hands on human resources practitioner with more than 20 years of experience.  Danny started focusing his coaching career since 2018, while actively still hold the senior HR position at Charoen Pokphand Indonesia. He help bridging the senior manager level to escellarate their career journey by unlocking their potentials.

Meldiana Ayu Restanti

Meldiana Ayu Restanti


Meldiana Ayu Restanti is the CEO and Co-Founder of, CMO and Co-Founder of INATECH.