Find the Right Coach in Self-Growth Coaching

Cakupan coaching: membangun kepercayaan diri, komunikasi efektif, motivasi dan pengembangan diri, produktivitas, mengubah kebiasaan buruk, mengatasi mental-block, dan lainnya.

Edy Liustanto

Edy Liustanto

Leadership, Sales & Self-Growth Coach

Leadership, Sales & Self-Growth Coach



Cognitive Behavior Coach

Psychological Based & Cognitive Behavior Coaching, spearheaded by Coach ADJIE, stands out as a transformative approach that harnesses the power of psychology to unlock human potential

Yanti Nisro Corbett

Yanti Nisro Corbett

Self Growth, Career and Leadership Coach

Yanti Nisro Corbett is an accomplished Certified Executive Coach and Intuitive Coaching Practitioner with a passion for Self Growth, Career and Leadership.

Novianti Rachmayani

Novianti Rachmayani

Parenting, Career and Self-Growth Coach

Novianti or known as Coach Opi Empowering growth through neuroscience-based coaching. Transformative journeys for individuals & organizations. Unleash your potential now!

Muhammad Kautsar

Muhammad Kautsar

Self Growth Coach

Psychology Scientist who has interested in People Development

Oka Pratama

Oka Pratama

Self-Growth and Business Coach

Oka Pratama is dedicated to unlocking your fullest potential. Through tailored strategies and unwavering support, he helps you set clear goals and stay focused on achieving them.

Obrin Sualang

Obrin Sualang

Transformational Life Coach

Dedicated coach with 15+yrs experience. Empowering individuals, strengthening relationships, unlocking potential, and achieving life goals. Your trusted talking buddy

Sonnia Haryani

Sonnia Haryani

Self Growth & Life Coach

Sonnia, as life coach and doctor, empowering individuals to lead fulfilled lives through a holistic approach, bridging the gap between mental and physical well-being. 🌟🌱

Sulastri Zein

Sulastri Zein

Leadership, Career and Life Coach

Lastri Zein, a career and life coach, excels in tailored coaching techniques & guides clients to set goals, find their strengths, enhance performance, and foster a balanced life.

Rika Ermasari

Rika Ermasari

Professional Coach

Non Medical Head Division of Permata Ibu Hospital (group of Brawijaya Women and Children Hospital)

Felicia V.I. Barus SE., MSc., CPC

Felicia V.I. Barus SE., MSc., CPC


Felicia Barus: Passionate coach, Chief Tribe Strategic Partnership at Bank Indonesia. Global impact in G-20 finance track, ASEAN Indonesia Chairmanship Task Force. Empowers women through Life Changing Group. Inspires greatness in others through training and writing on personal development and central banking.

Yohanes Agung R

Yohanes Agung R

Self-Growth & Parenting Coach

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