Find the Right Coach in Self-Growth Coaching
Cakupan coaching: membangun kepercayaan diri, komunikasi efektif, motivasi dan pengembangan diri, produktivitas, mengubah kebiasaan buruk, mengatasi mental-block, dan lainnya.
Andyana Tobing
Career Coah,Leadership Coach
Andyana is an HR professional with 22+ years of experince in local and foreign banks such as Standard Chartered, Danamon & Chinatrus Bank.
Rafika Firna Adhikumara
Professional Coach
Compassionate Coach with more than 15 years experience as Human Resources practitioner in several industries, Fika will accompany your journey in self-growth, both in personal life and career. Combining coaching technique with Psychology, every session will be a remarkable time to explore the best version of your self as well as to ensure the path of success.
Hillman Akil
Executive, Innovation & Transformation Accelerator Coach
Certified Executive Coach for Leadership & Self-Empowerment | Senior Engineering Advisor | Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) Certified Executive Coach develops potential, improves performance dramatically and puts individuals on the fast track. This happens through developing personal skills, setting better goals, reaching goals faster, making better decisions, and improve nutrition, exercise and sports. By helping clients clarify the goals, identify the obstacles holding clients back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. Start as Accelerator Coach in 2008: Coaching for newly entrepreneur by using Taipan Program - The Making of Asian Giants method from Mastering the Rockefeller Habits.
Simson Johanes M, CPC, CFP, CT.NLP
Financial & Business Coach
Simson JM Sinaga memiliki pengalaman profesional di perbankan, konsultan dan investment manager serta latar belakang pendidikan Master keuangan. Juga merupakan seorang Perencana Keuangan yang memiliki gelar Certified Financial Planner (CFP) dan Financial Educator yang membawakan berbagai seminar dan konsultan perorangan dan perusahaan. Skill Certified Professional Coach (CPC) dari Coaching Indonesia dapat dikombinasikan dengan ilmu Financial Planning dan Pengalaman di dunia keuangan dan bisnis sehingga dapat menjadi seorang Financial dan Business Coach.
Hana Novitriani
Life Coach
Empower your life and transform your future with Hana Novitriani, a compassionate and certified life coach and 20-year veteran in advertising and digital marketing.
Debora Ayu
Life & Transformational Coach
I help people who feel lost and want to be passionate, want to feel balance in emotion and mind, creating life with purpose and fall in love with theirself.
Sammy DT
Self-Growth & Mental Wellness Coach
Saya percaya bahwa semua orang berhak untuk menemukan makna dari keberadaan mereka di dunia ini. Ijinkan saya membantu anda menemukan makna tersebut.
Dave Han
Transformational Business Coach
Sebagai seorang Entrepreneur, Dave selalu ingin berkarya dan memberikan manfaat untuk orang banyak. Berbekal pengalaman di dunia bisnis sejak muda, Dave bergabung menjadi Transformational Entrepreneurship Coach di Coaching Indonesia dengan menekuni bidang spesialisasi Business, Leadership & Self Growth.
Daniel Sanjaya
Leadership and Career Coach
As Leadership and Career Coach, Daniel can help you to unleash your potential in any stage of your life by offering services in the area of leadership transformation, career, cross-cultural integration, and self-growth.