Sara Rose
Well-being Coach.
147.5 hours
5 (39 reviews)
Sara, a compassionate Life Seeker and Wellness Practitioner. Accompanies soul-connected individuals on their journey to essential happiness and well-being....
Linawati Hambali
Career and Life Coach
Jl Arco Raya 24 / A11; Kelurahan Duren seribu; Kecamatan Bojongsari Depok
146.5 hours
4.77 (102 reviews)
Lina is a career and life coach who helps you grow and achieve your dreams. She is enthusiastic, energetic and caring, and passionate about empowering you and herself to be meaningful for other people. She will support you as a friend and guide you t...
Armenia Widiastuti
Strength Coach, Self-Growth Coach, Parenting Coach
145.3 hours
4.91 (43 reviews)
Armenia memulai karir sebagai seorang coach tahun 2020. Armenia senang menggali talenta dan kekuatan dari coachee nya. Armenia senang dengan pendekatan strengths coaching....
Darhamsyah, Dr., CEC. (Academic and Career Happiness Coach)
Eco-Life Coach
144.8 hours
5 (7 reviews)
Darhamsyah, biasa dipanggil Coach Dar, adalah seorang coach pengembangan diri yang handal. Ia berpengalaman di bidang coaching karir, edukasi, kultural dan lingkungan hidup. Ia memiliki passion yang kuat untuk membantu orang dan organisasi, menemukan...
Feby Dwiardiani
Leadership, Personal Growth, & Career Coach
142 hours
4.52 (44 reviews)
Feby Dwiardiani -yang biasa disapa Feby- adalah seorang Executive Coach yang sekaligus psikolog, dengan pengalaman sekitar 15 tahun dalam bidang Assessment Center dan People Development. Saat ini ia juga sebagai Subject Matter Expert (SME) di sebua...
Erika atmadja
Business, Career, Talent Development and Parenting Coach
137.8 hours
5 (1 reviews)
Certified CPC Coach skilled in career, talent development,business, parenting, & more. Passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their goals. Let her guide you to success!...
petrus ng
Transformational Business And Life Coach
Ketapang, kalbar
136.8 hours
4.78 (96 reviews)
Petrus, seorang coach berpengalaman, membimbing transformasi kehidupan. Ahli dalam mentranformasi potensi seseorang dan diakui oleh ICF. Inspirasi bagi pertumbuhan dan keberhasilan...
Laily Fitri, ACC
Career, Parenting and Self Growth Coach
136.8 hours
4.82 (33 reviews)
Coach Laily Fitri (Elly), HR professional with vast experiences. Career, parenting, and self-development expert, empowering clients to rediscover passions and inner strength....
Lenny R Marlina, PC, CPC, CGC
Self Growth and Career Coach
Kota Bogor
136.3 hours
4.87 (92 reviews)
Experienced HR professional with a telecom background, passionate about self-development and coaching. Empowering women through personal coaching for growth....
Dhey Siregar, LCPC, STHT, CHt
135 hours
0 (0 reviews)
Dhey Siregar is a Meaningful Executive, leadership, Career, Early retirement, and Life Coach...
David Baldwin
Professional and Personal Development Coach
134.8 hours
4.98 (101 reviews)
My purpose in life is bringing the best out of people and having a positive impact on those I have the fortune to be around and connect with. With a background in Teaching, experience developing and working with people from various cultures, my appro...
Yulia Prihartini
Life Coach, Wellnes , Career
132.8 hours
4.7 (61 reviews)
Berkarir sebagai Professional Coach, Widyaiswara/Trainer dan Mental Health Nurse. Memfasilitasi lebih dari 3000 jam pelatihan bagi PNS Kemenkes dan Kemendikbudristek...
Lrusvita Coaching
Self-Growth and Fulfillment Coach
128.8 hours
4.79 (39 reviews)
Professional Coach | Certified ICF Associate Coach | Experienced Human Resources and Organizational Development Practitioner...
Irana Leila Meriam, SE, MM, CPC, CSC
Career, Life and Self Empowerment Coach
128.5 hours
4.67 (12 reviews)
Irana is a Professional Coach, focusing herself to igniting the sparks of individual's potential. With over 17 years of experience in leading a substantial team, Irana has achieved remarkable success in fostering the development and transformation...
Aryani Novita
Career, Business and Investment Coach
127.8 hours
4.6 (48 reviews)
Imagine having somebody who understands your unique ambitions, worries, and dreams? Aryani's coaching journey is a life-changing experience that allows you to take ownership of your personal and professional development. You will acquire clarity on y...