Boy Henry
Personal Growth, Executive & Business Coach
305 hours
4.92 (76 reviews)
Public Relations-Corporate Relations of Masima Radio Network, Holding of Delta FM, Prambors Radio | Trainer-Facilitator of John Robert Powers Indonesia (Communication Skills & Personal Growth) | Business Coach of Gratyo Business Coaching Company...
Hourly Rate
Agus Heru Santoso
302.75 hours
4.83 (6 reviews)
Leadership Development,,Coorporate Coach, Career Coach ...
Hourly Rate
Rudy Afandi
Executive/Leadership, Career and Business Coach
Jakarta Selatan
302 hours
4.84 (76 reviews)
A seasoned Professional Coach, specializing in Executive/Leadership, Career, and Business, with 15+ years of leadership experience in HR function...
Hourly Rate
Laurencia Lina
Executive and Transformational Coach
290 hours
4.8 (132 reviews)
As an executive coach, Lina enjoys creating reflective space for her clients allowing them to bring a deeper awareness and reconnect with their natural best....
Hourly Rate
Nirwati Yapardy
Associate Certified Coach
280.75 hours
4.73 (113 reviews)
Working as A Coach, Widyaiswara, Trainer, Facilitator, and Assessor at Training and Development and Government Management Study Center (Puslatbang KMP LAN RI). She completed her undergraduate degree at Educational Institute (IKIP) in Makassar. She ac...
Hourly Rate
Novianti Rachmayani
Parenting, Career and Self-Growth Coach
Tangerang Selatan
279.5 hours
4.87 (111 reviews)
Novianti or known as Coach Opi Empowering growth through neuroscience-based coaching. Transformative journeys for individuals & organizations. Unleash your potential now! ...
Hourly Rate
Struggling with stress, uncertainty, or feeling out of balance? Let Arida Wahyuni, a Certified Mindfulness and Life Purpose Coach, guide you to clarity, emotional balance, and fulfillment in your career and personal life. With over 25 years of experi...
Hourly Rate
Waidi seorang Profesional Coach bersertifikasi dari International Coaching Federation (ICF) dan NLP dari Inspiritve, Sydney. Bersertifikasi kepemimpinan dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Gelar Sarjana Administrasi Publik dari Univers...
Hourly Rate
Yohanes Agung R
Career & Parenting Coach
bekasi jawa barat
265 hours
4 (1 reviews)
Bersama Career for Youth & Parenting, wujudkan potensi tak terbatas anak remaja Anda! Buktikan sendiri! Banyak remaja telah mencapai potensi terbaiknya dengan bimbingan Yohanes Agung R. Silahkan Investasikan waktu dan energi Anda untuk masa depan ...
Hourly Rate
Yuniastuti Putri
Executive, Career & Self-Growth Coach
Jakarta Selatan
263 hours
0 (0 reviews)
Yuni is a distinguished marketer and transformational coach renowned for her exceptional ability to drive impactful results. With an unwavering focus on achieving goals and fostering collaborative excellence, she embodies a potent blend of expertise ...
Hourly Rate
Rizki Ramadhana
Certified Professional Coach
259.75 hours
0 (2 reviews)
Founder of a digital startup and holding advanced degrees, I'm dedicated to fostering innovation and growth. Excited to help you soar in your endeavors....
Hourly Rate
Mutia Soerahardjo
Business & Parenting Coach
Jl. Puncak Semeru Golf no 31, Bukit Golf Hijau, Sentul City, Bogor 16810
253 hours
4.89 (181 reviews)
Mutia is a Co-Founder of Coaching Indonesia and a Business Coach with over 20 years of experience as a Business Owner and mother. Her personal struggles in balancing multiple roles led her to realize the importance of self-empowerment. She became a l...
Hourly Rate
Supriadi Hardianto
Transpersonal Life Coach
250.25 hours
4.25 (4 reviews)
Kang Ucup's unique approach in coaching is to bring a spiritual context to the client’s own lives and make a difference in work, society, and the world at large. It can seek a career change, leadership growth, some want to do what they do from a di...
Hourly Rate
Erika atmadja
Business, Career, Talent Development and Parenting Coach
247 hours
4.75 (4 reviews)
Certified CPC Coach skilled in career, talent development,business, parenting, & more. Passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their goals. Let her guide you to success!...
Hourly Rate
Lebih dari 28 tahun mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Ibu yang bekerja di perusahaan multinasional. Meniti karir dimulai dari seorang sekretaris hingga jabatan terakhir sebagai "Vice President Human Resources & General Affair". Karir baru sejak tah...
Hourly Rate